YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, November 29, 2019

Day 29 of 30

Did you all have a good day yesterday?  We had such a great time at our Son's house.  There were 8 of us for dinner and it was splendid.  My DIL had things so well organized.  Things went so smooth.  We all walked out of there with leftovers too.  Yummy turkey sandwiches today.

Today I am very thankful for teachers.  I don't just mean school teachers either.  All people that teach others.  I have taken craft classes from some of these people and they have the patience of a saint.  I can be a bit hard headed when it comes to learning a new skill.  Yet the teachers I have had were so patient and kind.  Never did they roll their eyes or swear under their breath.  I have even remained friends with a few of these teachers over the years.  There are school teachers in our family also.  The one thing I learned quickly.....never tell they they have it easy.  Never tell them they only work 9 months out of the year and only from 8 until 3.  Never ever say those things unless you have quick reflexes and can dodge what ever may be thrown at you.  School teachers work from sun up until well past sun down.  Their biggest issue is not always the students either.  The parents can be their worst nightmare at times.  So, if you know a teacher (school or other type) take the time to stop and thank them for their time and patience.



  1. I've had some memorable teachers over the years. Some I'm thankful for, too :)

  2. Yes, my daughter is a teacher and there are many times when she goes back to the school after supper, volunteers on weekends for art exhibits, fairs etc. There is so much more that they do outside of school hours.

  3. Heck yeah on those facts about teachers. Every holiday and vacation is earned.


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