YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Day 27 of 30

Hubby and I left our home at 9:30 this morning and 12 hours later we are home.  Yes, I am exhausted but it is a happy exhaustion.  We had a meeting with our attorney from 10 until 12.  Then we went to our Grands High School to pick up gift cards and some items for our secret Santa gifts with the family.  After we left there we went out to lunch to a, new to us, Mexican restaurant.  It was quite yummy too.  Off we went to Costco to pick up a new laptop/tablet for me and another secret Santa gift.  From there we went to JoAnn's where I found all Cricut supplies at 50-70% off!  Yes, I stocked up.  Then we were off to our local Walgreen's to pick our last secret Santa gift.  Last stop on our journey was Sam's club for dog food and a couple of other items.  We did a quick stop at our house to feed the dogs dinner and the we went off to Trivia and dinner.

You may be asking why 3 secret Santa gifts.  We take one gift per family member attending the Christmas celebration.  We were just informed we will be gifted with our Texas Grand Daughter for the Christmas holidays.  We had so much fun last year doing this gift exchange.  We have been thinking all year about what we would get for the exchange this year.  We have a $20 limit for our gifts.  It is so much fun.  So those gifts are purchased and just need wrapping.

Now we are home and I have been thinking all day what to put down for my thankful item today.  It came to me as we were out and about.  Today I am very thankful for our first responders. (fire and police)  My husband was a police officer for over 20 year.  It is a very hard job.  The things he saw while on duty were not always pleasant.  In fact, most of the time they were heart breaking.  These first responders put their lives on the line everyday for us.  How many times have we heard of Firefighters or police officers being hurt in the line of duty.  Think of all the first responders that ran into  the twin towers during the attack of 911.  Would you have done that?  These men and women are heroes in my book and I think we need to respect them and teach our children to respect them.  Too many parents threaten their children with the police if they are bad.  Really?  Who are they to call when they are in trouble? 

OK, enough preaching.  I am off to finish up one of my knitting items and watch a little TV.


  1. I agree. Hats off the first responders!!

  2. Hats off to your husband and all the first responders and medical people and fire people and so many more....we all need each other and we all need to respect each other.


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