YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, November 15, 2019

Day 15 of 30

Kleenex/Puffs.................either one.  I am sooooo thankful for them.  When I have a cold/allergies, they are my best friend.  This past week, they have been used to dry my eyes.  Today, they will be used as we say a final goodbye to our friend.  

Image result for kleenexImage result for puffs tissues

Does anyone remember when your dad carried a cloth handkerchief in his back pocket?  Or your mom had a pretty hanky in her purse.  That is what you used when you needed to blow your nose or wipe your eyes.  My hubby carried a handkerchief in his pocket until about 4 years ago.  Our grands thought it strange to blow their noses on a piece of cloth.  But, when they needed it, Grandpa was always at the ready.  

Image result for hanky

When my mom passed away, all of us girls grabbed a few of her hankies as a memento of her.  Most of them had been tatted edges on them done by her mother (my grandmother). What a wonderful reminder of days gone by.

Do any of you use cloth handkerchiefs/hankies?


  1. I don't but I thought of it as part of saving trees and going "green" but I find it gross and I blow my nose so much in the morning I would have a pile of them....I do as it is but they go in the garbage! LOL! I should have bought stock in Kleenix years ago!

  2. I'm pretty sure my husband carried a handkerchief in his pants pocket up to the time he retired. Though, it does seem like I washed them less and less, so maybe he stopped actually. I have a few vintage hankies from my mother (and probably grandmother). Hugs to you again, on the loss of your friend.

  3. Hi Marsha :) We both use hankies here, though sometimes crudely referred to as "snot rags" lol...We cut up old t-shirts and I hem the ends. They work pretty well. I don't know when the last time it was that I actually bought a box of tissues. It's a great savings not to have them on the grocery list!

  4. My nose runs when I go outside, when I eat heated food, when I drink tea. I like Rain’s idea of using old t-shirts, I may give that a go when my sewing machine is fixed. I’m sure I use a tree of tissues a year.

  5. Didn't experience those days but yes, soft Kleenex is a must.


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