YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Day 20 of 30

Today's thankfulness is an easy one.  I am so thankful for rain.  Our yearly average rainfall is supposed to be around 7 inches.  We have been in drought conditions for several years so anytime we receive rainfall it is such a blessing.  The rain started yesterday and is to continue through tomorrow.  Not great traveling weather for hubby and I but we will just take our time going home tomorrow and watch out for others.  People who do not live in the desert southwest do not understand our roads.  We oil them regularly to keep them pliable during the extreme heat of the summer.  Therefore, when it rains it is the same as driving on ice.  Hydroplaning is another problem with our wet roads.  We do not have good drainage because of the infrequency of moisture here.  Our ground is not absorbent.  But........I am still very thankful for the rainfall we are receiving presently.

Tomorrow's post will be another late one as we are traveling home that day.  I am looking forward to getting home and getting a chance to read all of the blogs I am behind on!


  1. ooooh... I didn't know about oiling roads - not that we've ever gotten to the true desert areas of the U.S. And hydroplaning... I don't think I've ever experienced it, but I sure hear about it often enough. Sounds frightening. Drive safe, friend!

  2. I had no idea about your roads...interesting. I will pray that you have a safe trip.

  3. We have our first rain today and it's windy as heck.


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