YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Day 6 of 30

OUCH!  I just sat on a double point needle.  Dang that hurts!  It is going to leave a mark too.  So far today I have gotten a haircut, gone to WalMart, filled my car with gas and now am writing my blog for the day.  

Today I am thankful for my kids/grandkids/great grandkid. (FAMILY) Hubby and I have a blended family of yours, mine and ours.  How blessed we are to have 4 children, 8 grandchildren and 1 great grandson.  I loved watching my children grow into adults.  Believe it or not, the teen years were my favorite time with them.  Ok, I loved the baby cuddle stage quite a bit too.  But, the teen years gave me a bit of insight into the kind of adults they were going to become.

Our oldest son has his own comic store in Washington state.  He has never married but gave us our first Grand Daughter.  (Don't judge)  Our only daughter is married and gainfully employed and lives about an hour away from us.  She is the one that can make me laugh even on my worse days and vise versa.  Our next son is married and lives about 15 minutes from us.  He has been with the same company for over 15 years and has done quite well moving up in the business. He has blessed us with 1 Grand Daughter.  Our youngest lives in Texas and is getting ready to retire from the US Navy next year.  He enlisted in 1997 and has never once been deployed, to his chagrin.  He is married also and has given us 6 Grands.  His is a blended family also.  Our grands range from 30 years to 14 years of age and the Great Grand is just over a year old.  My heart swells with love when I think of these individuals.  I love them all so much.  I have been truly blessed with them.  I had always wanted to have a large family since, I only had one sibling.  Unfortunately, I was only able to give birth to 2, where as I wanted to have 6.  So the blended family is a blessing for me.  

Never in all the years have I referred to 'his' children as my 'step' children.  To me they are my son and daughter.  The same with my husband.  My son is his son.  This also applies to all those Grands we have.  No matter how they arrived into our family..............they are ours.  Our family has several nationalities in it and our skin tones are from one end of the spectrum to the other.  No matter.............we are still family.  We love fiercely and are quite protective of each other.  We may poke fun at each other but no one from the outside had better ever try and hurt any of us.  Our bonds are strong.  F.A.M.I.L.Y. = Family Means I Love You!

Have a great day!


  1. Another lovely blog post! I had no idea you had such a big family! It's so wonderful that you all are so close and enjoy each other's company so much.


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