YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, November 25, 2019

Day 25 of 30

It has been a busy day around my house.  Hubby and I are getting back into our daily routines as well as getting ready to decorate for Christmas.  I got 2 loads of laundry done, eggplant steamed and marinating in vinegar and oil, cleaned veggies, and made an ornament for the one Grand that actually puts up a tree.  Hubby has trimmed the bushes out front so we can put lights on them.  He is also working in the backyard t clean it up the doggie bathroom.  (I know, TMI)  I finally got time to sit down and do my thankful blog.

I am very thankful for my craft room.  When I go in there, I can spend an entire day sewing, making, printing, knitting, crocheting, and doing many other crafts.  It is a room that has allowed me to express myself without any input from others.  If I am in a foul mood, I can go in there and within minutes my mood will be lifted.  Sheryl may have a sheshe-er she shed but I would not trade my craft room for that at all.  

Time to knit!


  1. I've been thankful for my little room that's been created recently. It's nice to have a spot that is truly one's own.

  2. I'm still waiting to have one. We'll start decorating for Christmas after turkey day.


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