YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, November 30, 2018

DAY 30.......The End

It has finally arrived.  The last day of November and the last day I will post for this month.  It has been an experience to find something to talk about each day.  This is the second year  have done this challenge.  I do not know if I will do it again next year or not.  November is the month hubby and I always do some traveling, there is Thanksgiving happening, this year there was family things going on that needed attention, we are busy at our church with preparations for people preparing to become members of our church.....in other words...it is one of the busiest months for this lady.  Yet, I managed to post everyday.  

So here is my last post for this years challenge.

It was so good to be back home.  We watched one of the recorded Hallmark Movies last night and I worked on the Advent scarf.

I have completed 2 days of clues and still am behind 5 days.  If I can get 2 days done each day, I will eventually be caught up.  So far, I have learned how to: make a bobble increase, read charts, and make a lifted knot stitch.  It is so much fun.  I did not want to put it down last night.  But my bed beckoned me and I listened to it's siren call.

Today we need to hit up the grocery store.  We try to make sure our food supply is very low when we leave on a trip.  We are also on teenager pick up duty at 3.  Then this evening we go to the church to set up for tomorrow's day of prayer.  Hopefully that will not take too long.  Then it is dinner time and bed as we will be up at Dark o'thirty Saturday morning for the day of prayer.  There will be Mass Saturday afternoon then off to take the teen to a birthday party and we will hang out with the other parents while the kids have some fun.  Then a sleepover with the teen.  Sunday will be busy as well.  I have signed up for an Advent course for ladies at our church and it starts Sunday morning at 8:15!  Then of course there are menus to be made, groceries to be purchased (again), a blog to write and more Christmas decoration boxes to be gone through to finish up the house.  Not to mention, there is knitting to be done!  I have that Advent scarf to try and catch up on and there is another KAL I am joining on the 1st of December. This is one way to keep my fingers out of the cookie jar.  

That about sums up my next couple of days for you.  I hope you have a wonderful day and upcoming weekend.

Until next time.........happy crafting!


  1. Sounds like a busy few days ahead! Congratulations on the month of posting! I'm sure it's a lot of work! :)

  2. Solid job on NaBloPoMo. I love how your granddaughter still stays over even though she is a teen. My kids still spend the night at my parents; they done so since they were infants.

    1. And thank you for your recent visits. Yeah, I can't have a plain BuJo; the maker in me can't stand for that. I'm trying to finish up this current BuJo so I can get another. I'd like a smaller one next time. Did you write on both sides of the paper. I can't quite get myself to do that because of how pens bleed.

  3. Great job on NaBloPoMo but I am going to miss you my friend. I really enjoyed looking forward to reading about your days like having a girlfriend to talk to. There were several of you who did it and it felt like a giant coffee clutch. I know how busy you are with family and church and they definitely should take priority. Have a great weekend of faith and enjoy your granddaughter! See you Sunday!

  4. It's been fun reading your blog daily, Marsha. I like the say Sam (above) puts it. It did feel like I was visiting girlfriends when I checked into all the blogs I was following. As for myself, I am surprised that I could come up with material for every day. I plan on taking a break from the daily blogging, but this experiment gave me ideas for things to blog about. All of you gave me ideas for things to blog about. So, while I won't be doing daily blogging, I may post more than I had been prior to November. We'll see!


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