YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, November 12, 2018

Day 12

Hey, it got a bit chilly here last night.  I woke up to 48 degrees outside.  We had the bedroom window opened a bit.  Needless to say we were under a comforter this morning.  The house was in the 60's!  I love it!  Hubby.............not so much.

Today is bread making day.  Before I even start the bread I do this.

I lay all the ingredients out on the counter and make sure everything is up to room temperature before I put it together.  This is only the second time I have made this particular recipe.  This is what I end up with.

Gorgeous spelt sandwich bread.  A person only needs one slice of this for a sandwich.  It is quite large and a little on the heavy side. It is soooooo yummy.  My house smells wonderful.  The smell of baking bread is one of my favorite smells.  Too bad there is not an air freshener with that aroma.  I would be their best customer if there were.

Our daughter and her husband dropped by this morning for a little visit.  It was so nice to see them.  Even though we live in the same metroplex, we seldom see each other.  There is an hour drive between us.  

Hubby is off doing a couple of errands for us.  He is getting our water bottles filled for our water cooler.  He also took our pool cleaner in to see why it is not moving.  Fingers crossed it just needs some ball bearings.  

Before our daughter came over today, I managed to watch one of my recorded Hallmark Christmas movies.  During that time, I worked on my scarf.  It is so close to being done.  That makes me want to work on it monogamously so I can free up those needles.

This week's calendar looks pretty quiet.  This means more knitting time and I have other goodies I want to bake up for us.  I should have plenty of time to do this.  There will be muffins, cupcakes, and apple desserts.  Some of this will be frozen.  That way we can have some homemade goodness when we take our trip the end of this month.

Hope your day is going well.

Until next time...........happy crafting!


  1. Mmm...homemade bread. Makes your home smell so good besides chocolate chip cookies.

  2. Ooooh... that bread looks so good. And the aroma of baking bread is heavenly. :)


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