YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, November 23, 2018

Day 23

We had a lovely Thanksgiving dinner with family and friends.  There was so much food and all of it was wonderful.  We even brought home leftovers for dinner tonight.  It's a good thing too as we have been on the go since 7 this morning.  No, we did not go Black Friday shopping.  We have been busy getting Christmas decorations up.  Hubby handles the outside and I do the inside.  He is done.................not so much me.

I got the front entryway done

I still want to wrap some little LED lights through the flowers so it will light up.

The tree is completed too:

The next thing to do is set out Nativity sets.  First, I need to get my shelves and mantle cleared off so I have a place to put the Nativities.  Hopefully I will be able to complete this all before tomorrow afternoon.  It all takes time.  Last year we didn't do this until we got back from Las Vegas and I regretted it.  Hence the reason we are hustling this year to complete it all in one weekend.

I have not picked up any yarn since Wednesday.  I thought I would get a little done yesterday but we were way too busy talking to everyone. Plus, there was a baby that needed his Great Aunt Marsha to hold him and feed him and squeeze him!  His sister needed my attention quite a bit too.  Priorities!

Break time is over.......................back to the decorating.

Until next time.............happy crafting!


  1. How fun to get this first peek at your Christmas decorating, Marsha. I have gone so simple in recent years it almost isn't even decorating. If you post some more Christmas pictures, maybe you'll inspire me. ;^)

  2. Your tree and decorations are lovely. I was going to decorate the day after Thanksgiving! Ha! I'm still cooking Thanksgiving dinner...I'm a slug but I enjoy it all. I have to finish Advent gifts and presents to get in the mail. Since no one comes for Christmas I'll have plenty of time to decorate after that. You go girl!
    Lucky you....I love babies and it's been a long time since I've cuddled with one.


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