YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, November 18, 2018

WEEK 21 & DAY 18

It is week 21 of the 8th year of projects.  It has been a busy and productive crafting week.  I finally finished my Rising Tide scarf.

It only took me a month to complete it.  For a scarf, that is about average for me.  

It is the perfect width at 5.5 inches.  Now I wait for me to go somewhere in the early morning hours so I can wear it.  Hmmmm.......guess I need to take my walks earlier in the day.

Since that was off the needles, I picked up my Snoqualmie socks again.

The left one is ready for the heel and the right one is about 15 rows behind it.  I may go ahead and do the heel from the pattern.............jury is still out.  I prefer the FLK yet, don't know if it will work well with this pattern.  Any thoughts on this?

While reading other YOPer's blogs, KAL's (knit alongs) and CAL's (crochet alongs) keep getting talked about.  Never have I participated in one of them.  That has all changed as of yesterday.  I joined the Advent Scarf 2018 KAL.  I am so excited.  The scarf will be based on Japanese knitting stitches.  Something totally new to me.  The ribbing pattern has already been posted and the first part of the pattern will be posted on November 24th.  The designer lives in New Zealand, so actually those of us in the Northern Hemisphere will be able to get the clue on the 23rd.  I started the ribbing yesterday afternoon and completed it in just a couple of hours.

It took me two times to get the first row correct.  After that it was a matter of repeating the row pattern out loud as I knit it.  I have no clue what yarn this is.  I am assuming it is a cotton blend of some sort.  It was clear in the back of my DK stash.  I loved the color of it and thought it would give me the better stitch definition.  The yarn is super easy to work with and not at all split inclined.  I am thinking this might be Cascade Ultra Pima.  It is the main DK yarn I use.  There is no ball band and it was already caked up and there are 4 cakes of it.  Could have been in my stash for several years.  The pattern is both charted and written.  So far, I have enjoyed the 13 rows I did.......even the Knit 3 together. 

There is another KAL that I will probably join in.  It is with one of our YOPers, Domic.  She is going to make a star pillow.  It starts on December 1.

Isn't this just too cute?  I already have the pattern printed out and the yarn is in my stash.  How much fun the KAL's are.  I wish I had done this before.

It is also Day 18 of my daily posting.  Last time we talked, I was getting ready to go to Mass.  We went and delivered the food to the Church's food bank and then went to Mass.  Afterwards we had dinner with family and friends and had such a good time we went to the friend's house and sat around a nice fire outside and enjoyed the rest of the evening.

We didn't get home until after 10 and I had a couple of ticked off puppies.  They wanted to know why dinner was so late.  Trust me......neither of them are starving and under fed.  

To show me how hungry they were they tried eating this:

My needle case!  Luckily, they did not get any of the needles out of it.  That would have meant a trip to the ER vet.

They also decided this would be a tasty morsel:

My knitting notions box.  These items were on my end table.  To get to them, they needed to walk over my yarn bowl, laptop, portable phone and table top fan.  Yup, they were not happy campers.

Yesterday hubby got our water bill and it had increased by $20 for 1 month!  That means trouble.  He checked our pool automatic fill and it was running and completely full as was the pool!  He also found an area over by the pool pump that had standing water.  THAT could be some major trouble if we have a leak there.  All the plumbing is underground and under cool decking.  Fingers crossed it is just a leaky valve on top.  He shut off the water to the pool and will call someone to come and fix the automatic fill.  In the mean time......we pray for an easy solution for all of this.

Today will see me knitting on my socks.  Fingers crossed I can get the heels turned on both socks by the end of the day.  There will also be work done on the puzzle.  Hubby and I will be bagging up our donations for Big Brothers/Big Sisters as they are coming tomorrow for a pick up.

This week is going to be busy.  We have a sleep over planned, Thanksgiving planned for 18 people, DIL is having surgery (the day before Thanksgiving), dogs need to get nails done, and I need a haircut and manicure.  Follow my blog and see if it all happens according to plan.  (Not likely but it might)

Until next time......................Happy Crafting!!!!


  1. Sounds like the coming week is going to be a hectic one for you and I hope the pool troubles are easily fixed for you. I love how the Rising Tides scarf is looking and well done on finishing it. I think the FLK will look just fine with your socks Marsha, I can't see how it wouldn't and if it's preferred heel I'd go with it. Looking forward to seeing more of you new scarf, you have great stitch definition with that yarn and the colour is great!

  2. Naughty puppies, but still lovable I’m sure. I think rising tide looks great.

  3. Oh that knitted star really is CUTE!!! I love it! Your scarf looks great Marsha :) I hope you enjoy and relax for your Thanksgiving. Oh my...$20 increase in one month??? That's crazy, I hope it's nothing big.

  4. yikes about the pool! I hope the fix is above the ground. Love your ruler :) I try so hard to keep all my areas kitten proof, Holly gets into the craziest stuff. She mainly LOVES wool so everything is in a zippy bag. grr. I hope she outgrows that behavior. Lovely knitting as always!!

  5. Wow you do have a busy week ahead. So glad that the puppies didn't get hurt getting into things they shouldn't. And I'm sorry to hear about the pool. I hope the fix is easy! I look forward to seeing your KAL projects. The star pillow is super cute!

  6. Wow, I love the socks - both, the yarn and the pattern, very pretty! And thank you so much for mentioning my KAL! Hopefully your puppies will behave now that they are fed... ;-)

  7. Gosh, a busy week ahead. I hope all goes well. I do love a good kal! I love the start of your advent scarf.

  8. And I thought I was busy but I don't rush so how busy can I be? But you are truly busy! LOL! You get more done too. I have no desire to join KALs and/or CALs.....I don't like deadlines....the gift ones are bad enough. But enjoy and th epatern looks very interesting so far. You must wear your Rising Tide as it is too beautiful to sit in a drawer.

  9. Another knitter's dog has been eating her lib balm - Angela of Must Love Yarn podcast. She's posted pics on IG. I hope your pool headache gets remedied quickly. How fun for you to join in on the KAL's. I've totally bombed on my sweater one.

  10. Puppies! They're lucky they're cute, since they have no brains to speak of. LOL. I'm glad they didn't get hurt, and didn't destroy any of your valuables. I'm thinking about joining Domic's KAL as well, and now you've got me interested in the Advent Scarf KAL. I might even have a suitable yarn in my stash. Your Rising Tides Scarf is gorgeous.


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