YOP LIST 2024-2025

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Day 17

Phew......yesterday wore me out.  Hubby and I went grocery shopping for our weeks worth of food as well as for the Thanksgiving dinner we buy or our church's food bank.  I am so glad he was with me.  He did the church shopping while I did our home's shopping.  It still took us over 1.5 hours to complete it.  Who puts dinner rolls on an end cap of the coffee aisle?  It was stuff like that, that slowed us waaaay down.  Thankfully there were several employees going around asking if you needed help finding anything.  Otherwise, we might still be there lol.  We will drop off the food bank items today when we go to Mass.  We dropped off the family turkey and turkey gravy to our son's home yesterday. 

After our grocery trip, hubby went for a haircut and I started the crockpot for our taquito meat. (chicken)   Then it was time for me to head out to do a little clothes shopping.  I very much dislike clothes shopping!!!  All I really wanted was to get some jeans.  I have been wearing leggings for 2 years.  My jeans I have all shrunk while laying in the closet!  It's true!  I had heard of this happening to my friends and now it has happened to me.  Finally, I found 2 pair of jeans that felt good and were not super expensive.  Being on Weight Watchers, I knew I would not be in this size forever and didn't want to spend beau coup bucks on 'designer' jeans.  Just finding the jeans and 3 tops took me over 2 hours.  By the time I was done shopping I was pretty well done in.  But wait..................there's more.

After returning home and putting my feet up for an hour I got busy and made the taquitos for dinner.  They were sooooo yummy.  I get 99% of my recipes from Skinnytaste. Her recipes are all calculated for WW.  There have only been a couple we have tried that we will never do again.  Pretty good since I have been using her stuff for over 3 years.  I also have all 3 of her cookbooks.  Yup, I am hooked on her.

Shortly after dinner we headed out to our Church's school for the performance of Mary Poppins Jr.  It was so cute.  It was opening night and there were a few technical issues but the kids were so professional and just kept right on performing like nothing was wrong.  Here is a photo of our little actress.

There was some padding added to her to make her look 'plump'.  The roll of Miss Brill was perfect for her too.  It was a bit of comedic relief and she pulled it off fabulously!

By the time we got home it was after 9 and all I wanted to do was grab my knitting and relax for a few whiles.  So, that is exactly what I did!

Today, there is not much on my to do list.  This might just be a sit and do nothing day until it is time to go to Mass.  I have had a headache for 3 days now and would like it to go away.  Hopefully, with some 'down time' it will abate so I can enjoy my evening at Mass and then dinner out with friends and family.

Until next time...............happy crafting!


  1. LOL at your shrinking jeans. I'm so relieved. I thought I was the only one that happened to! How fun to watch your granddaughter in a drama. Two of my sons enjoyed acting in various plays, and it was such a great experience. I hope the rest of your weekend is good, Marsha!

  2. Yep. I love skinny taste as well. Rarely do we find stuff we don’t like.

  3. You are the busiest person I know! LOL! But what wonderful activities and especially the play with your darling granddaughter in it. I think you told me about Skinny Taste and I did make something from her and I liked it so I need to revisit her! Thanks for the reminder! I don't wear jeans as I find them too restricting. I know they have stretch ones now but I still don't like them for me. I wear sweats in the winter and although I am no fashionista....no one sees me usually plus I don't care....lol! They are warm and comfortable. Enjoy mass and dinner out and I hope you get to put your feet up and knit at the end of the day!


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