YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Year 8, Week 20 and Day 11

Hello everyone.  Another gorgeous day here in the Phoenix Metroplex.  The sun is shining,  there is a slight breeze and the temp is heading to a high of 73 today.  Loving it!

My knitting did not get a ton of love this week.  There is not a big excuse for it either.  I just didn't pick it up like I normally do.  That being said, I did manage to get my socks up to the third pattern repeat.

One more repeat and the heel gets started.  Since I am going to do the FLK heel, I need to continue the pattern on the front of the sock while starting plain stockinette on the heel for the next inch.  Doing heels is probably my favorite part of a sock.

I got to work on my scarf yesterday while at the retreat.


The blue marker shows where I left of last week.  The reason it got worked on at the retreat is...............the signature needles it is on, do not make any noise when working on a project.

That is all the crafting to show for this week.  Now let's see about my:

Happy Veteran's day or Armistice Day, depending on where you live.  It is the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI!  Having children in the military makes us so much more conscious of world events/conflicts.

Yesterday was our all day retreat at church.  Oh Man!  This old lady did just fine until about 8pm last night.  By that time, my body was giving out on me.  We finally arrived home, unpacked and made it to bed by 11.  We did manage to get up early enough to make the 9am Mass.  Now we are watching football and I am getting ready to make a loaf of bread and do some research on the computer.  Other than that, knitting and watching some podcasts, it will be a quiet and restful day.

How is your weekend rounding out?

Until Next Time.............Happy Crafting!!!!!


  1. You're really coming along with those socks! Glad to read you had a good time at the retreat. And that you evidently got your rest when you got home (if you made it to 9am Mass). I hope you have a great week, friend.

  2. Those socks are really coming along Marsha even if you didn't get near them much this week and by the sounds of it a nice easy day is just what you needed.

  3. I was tired for you! LOL! It sounded like a very long day. Your socks are coming along and heels are your favorite? I need to learn the short row heel for my socks right now but if you love heels then I am definitely going to try the FLK heel on my next pair! Of course, I love the shawl and I need to remember to use progress keepers...I always forget! I watched the game too. Have a great week!

  4. I love those socks, the colour is lovely and shawls off the pattern really well.


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