YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, November 26, 2018

Day 26

Phew, I wasn't sure I would make it tonight.  It is only 8:37PM here so I did make it before midnight.

Hubby and I started our Bingo tournament today.  It was nice to meet new people.  We did not win anything but that is ok.  We came to just enjoy some time away from everything.  I got to work on my advent scarf a little tiny it today and also my socks.  Not enough to warrant a photo though.

What did warrant a photo was the vie outside our hotel  window.

I know.....this looks a lot like the photos I took last year when we were here.

Look at this Teddy Bear tree.

Is it not the cutest thing?  Kids were loving it.

Not much else here

Until next time....................happy crafting!


  1. I knew you said you were taking a trip but I didn't know where or for what....now I know! BINGO! I take it that is fake snow although it looked like someone wearing a coat. Is that outside or inside? The decorations are so pretty!

  2. Bingo sounds fun! I've never been to an official bingo game before. I heard it can get intense and ppl get all mad at the number caller.


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