YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Day 21

Well, hello.  I finally found time to sit down and put fingers to computer to write my blog for the day.  

My alarm went off at 6 this morning.  Yes, I said alarm.  Not something us retired folk are used to hearing anymore.  There was a teenager sleeping in our home and she needed to get up and ready for school.  She was so good about getting up and moving, we were able to drive by her house to drop off her overnight bag on the way to school.  She only had a half day today.  Her Dad was able to pick her up so we were off kid duty.

I got home in time to get ready to head out to my nail appointment.  My plans were to get my nails done and then get my hair cut after that.  Best laid plans and all that stuff.  After my nails hubby called and asked me to head to the other side of town to pick up a part for our pool.  Since I was out already, it made sense.  Besides, it was a 2 hour wait at my hair salon.  

I got the part, delivered it to hubby, made us some lunch and THEN I went to get my hair cut.  There was only a 6 minute wait by this time.  Made me happy.  After arriving home, hubby had our Christmas tree set up and ready for me to decorate it.  (no that has not happened yet)  My phone went off to remind me the dogs had a Vet appointment in 30 minutes.  Out the door I went again.  Luckily, it was just a tech appointment so it only lasted 15 minutes.

Here are our fur babies just before the leashes came out of the drawer.

Totally oblivious as to what was going to happen in a few minutes.

After I came home I went on a mission to complete the puzzle.


There will not be another one for a little while.  Too much going on for the next month with 2 KAL's I am in.

Now...............here is a question for you.  Have any of you done this?

I love wearing my handmade socks with my super comfy sandals.  I have severe arthritis in my feet so finding shoes that feel wonderful is next to impossible.  Until I have surgery on my feet, my sandals are my favorite shoes to wear all day.  Plus, how else can I show off my socks.  It's not like it is below freezing here.  So, what do you think?  Fashion faux pas?  Would you do it if your temps ranged from 45 - 70?

Dinner tonight is leftovers.  That means there is going to be some nice knitting time.  All I need to do tonight is make the cinnamon apples for tomorrow's dinner.  Since they cook in the slow cooker, There is not much to do other than peel, slice, spice and turn them on.  WOOHOO!  My kind of cooking!

Until next time..........happy crafting!


  1. I think it's great how you're showin' off your handknit socks. Man, 6 am is early. That's one responsible teenager you got there.

  2. I do it all the time as I wear my Birkenstocks....same issue...RA so comfort is of prime importance and the Birkenstocks fit the bill! I do wear Asics during the day outside as they give me a solid footing and no tripping plus working in the yard is not good in sandals. What do you care what people think? Easy for me to say as I have no social life...lol...could that be why? LOL! I think your socks and sandals look great. You got a lot done yesterday and you and hubby make a great team! Glad he is feeling better. Happy Turkey Day! Spiced apples sound wonderful. I'm going to make mashed potatoes in the crock pot for the first time. Hugs ~ Sam

  3. Sandals with socks? All the time. :-). Happy Turkey Day to you!


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