YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, November 2, 2018

Day 2

Welcome to day 2 of my blogging for the month of November.

I got to knit on my Rising Tides scarf yesterday.  Another pattern row was completed.  Looking at the remainder of yarn on my cake, I think I will have enough for 3-4 more patterns rounds.  This means I am half way completed.

Hubby was feeling much better yesterday but by evening he was worn out.  He stayed home while I went to Adoration.  Here is a photo of where I go to pray for an hour each week.

See all the lovely decor?  That is all hand painted on.  I actually watched the artist as she worked on it.  It took weeks for her to complete it all.  This is not the only area that has painting on it.  The entire Shrine has grapes and curly Q's on it.  A very peaceful place to go and meditate for an hour.

It is another gorgeous day here.  Nice and chilly again this morning with perfect temps this afternoon.  Tonight we will go to a friends house for pizza and conversation.  It has been a year now since his wife passed away.  We still go over to visit him like we did when Bev was living.  It is nice to be able to continue that friendship and I think Bev would be glad we keep tabs on her husband.

I leave you with another dog photo.  This time it is of Luna.  She is my old lady of 11 years.  I have been told that little dogs like her can live to be 18-20 years.  I hope so..........she is a lot of love to share.

Until next time..............happy crafting!


  1. Luna looks good for 11 years. What a lovely church room and awesome how she was able to paint in there.

  2. RE: "Do you make your own patterns?"
    I have drawn out rectangles on freezer paper in the past but now I use a rotary cutter and self-healing, cutting mat + quilting rulers that you can see through. I had bought zippers on Etsy because I don't like how Coats & Clark fold their zippers, causing them to have that bend in the middle. The zippers I bought are 12". I usually cut them down to 10" because I make zipper tabs.
    My usual dimensions:
    outer fabric & lining: 12" x 9"
    interfacing: 11" x 8"
    zipper tabs: 3" x 2" (ends are ironed 1/4" in)
    handle: 12" x 3" (cut dimensions)
    boxed bottom: usually 1.5" - 2" corner squares cut
    sewing the outer and lining pieces to the zipper" 1/4" seam allowance
    sewing all around the rectangles: 1/2" seam allowance

  3. What a beautiful, peaceful place to pray! Glad hubby is feeling better but I would keep an eye on him....as I'm sure you do! LOL! How nice you keep in touch with your friend and Friday is really all about pizza....yum! I think it has finally stopped raining but there is more coming next week which is fine with me. I like variety in the weather. Luna is precious! She looks like a miniature version of my farm dog, Abby. I still miss her...we went everywhere together. I blogged again! I'm so glad I caught your blog yesterday about NaBloPoMo...thanks again!

  4. Awww...Luna is so pretty. My little pug Spencer lived to 19 years old, he passed away in 2014, I had him since he was 2 months old...miss him every day. :) I'm glad your hubby is feeling better!

  5. I love the picture from your place of worship. Thank you for sharing that. I've always attended very simple churches with very little decor and it makes me wonder if there's even anything to photograph at my church. I'll have to look around... :)

  6. Love that sweet doggie face. I am sure she will live a very long life.


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