YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, November 25, 2018

YOP WEEK 22 & DAY 25

We are getting ready to leave in a couple of hours.  Thought it would be best to update now as it will be late tonight before I have a moment to get on the laptop again.

I got a little done this week in the knitting department.

As you can see, the socks are still on the needles, darn it.  I only got one pattern repeat done on this sock and 8 rows of pattern on the other.  Each pattern repeat is 15 rows.

The advent scarf 2018 KAL has been started also.

Days 1 & 2 clues are out but this lady has not taken the time to sit down and work them.  It is a good thing too, as day 1 clues were written and charted with a little mistake in them.  Not being an advanced knitter, I would have knitted according to the way the pattern was  and just thought I had done something wrong.  The plan is for me to work on this during the 5 hour road trip today.  Hopefully I will be able to get through day 1 during that time.  I don't want to be too far behind the rest of the group.

Day 25 and since it is such an early time for me to be posting, there is not much to tell.  We got our suitcases packed and the dogs food is all packaged up so it is easy for the dog sitter to just open and feed.

I don't know how many of you follow my blog.  If you don't than you do not see my daily writings and photos.  So, I will leave you with a little look at the beginnings of our Christmas decorating.


Tree (duh)

A few nativities on the mantle. (A work in progress)

Until next time....................Happy Crafting!!!!!


  1. Wow Christmas decorations up already, I think next weekend I will start decorating the house and at the same time declutter the decorations boxes. Have a good trip.

  2. I haven't started on the advent scarf yet, I was so in love with my new socks. Thanks for the heads up about the mistake in the pattern, I'll make sure to download the corrected version, if there is one.

  3. I love the nativities - I also have quite a few, but alas this year they will not be set up as we well be away for Christmas. Thank you for sharing yours.

  4. You're way ahead of me...I'm just making the cranberry sauce now! LOL! Your sock is looking good. I probabyl won't get a chance to work on mine until after the holidays. What a fun shawl KAL. One of these days I will join a KAL but every time I think of one it is someone's birthday or something. I'll enjoy watching yours take shape. Have a safe trip! Your decorations are lovely!

  5. Is this the same Advent Scarf that Karen is doing? It's a beautiful pattern and I look forward to seeing yours grow. The color yarn you're using will show the pattern off well, I imagine.

  6. That sock is very pretty! Before Christmas, I will only be using the Advent wreath my mother in law gave me, we only set up the tree about one or two days before christmas eve. We usually have a natural tree - with the Black Forest around the corner here...

  7. Your decorations are looking good. And your socks look lovely. I love the idea of the advent scarf

  8. The sock is looking good Marsha and I'm sure the car journey will see lots more of your advent scarf completed. I normally love Christmas and the decorations and well the whole thing but not really this year and with little ones still in the house, I best fake it till I make it kind of thing.


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