YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Day 15

Another day with plenty of things to keep me out of trouble.  

Yesterday I baked up a storm.  First there were the cinnamon muffins.

They are super yummy.  I made them according to the package directions except..........in place of the oil I used fat free non flavored Greek yogurt.  They are super moist and the yogurt adds lots of protein to them.

After the muffins were done, I decided to make the yellow cake mix adding bananas, cinnamon and omitting the oil in that one too.

Once again, super yummy.  Both mixes are Pillsbury Sugar Free.  They are not in every store so when I find them I  grab them.  I still have Devils food to make and will mix that with one can of Diet Dr Pepper and make cupcakes out of that too.  Pinterest has loads of ideas of how to make WW friendly goodies.  I will be doing apple desserts soon as apples are on sale and I picked up quite a few of them.

This morning, I finally made it back to Prayer Shawl group.  It was nice to be back with the ladies.  After Prayer shawl, I headed to the church office to sign up for the women's Advent program being offered this year.  Once that was completed, I headed to Sprout's to pick up avocados.  They were out of avocados!  I could not believe it.  Instead, I got 32 oz of chicken tortilla soup, a BLT sandwich and apples.  Hubby and I split the soup and sandwich for lunch.  YUMMY!

While I was gone to Prayer shawl, Hubby cleaned the kitchen and bathrooms.  Before I left, I had moved everything out of those rooms so he could just clean.  There is a load of towels in the dryer now and we will just enjoy the rest of the day doing what ever makes us happy. (read: knit and work on puzzle)

Until tomorrow.............happy crafting!

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