YOP LIST 2024-2025

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Day 24

Wow, I can not believe I have made it 24 days in a row.  The next 5 days will be tricky as I will be in a hotel with super slow WiFi.  I managed to do it last year, though.  Fingers crossed for this time too.

I am trying so hard to get my Christmas up before we leave but alas..........I will need to finish it up when we come home.  Time is running out.  There are 2-3 more storage boxes I need brought in from our shed and I am not able to get to them in a small amount of time.  Things need to be moved and rearranged.  It will wait.  This did get done today:

There are still a few more items needed for the mantle, as stated above.  Hubby made me stop so I could eat lunch.  I still need to; get the dogs' food bagged for the sitter, clean out the fridge, run the dishwasher, empty said dishwasher, pack clothes for trip, get snacks packed for road trip, print out day 2 of advent scarf pattern, and clean the bathrooms.  We will get all this done before 3:30 when we leave for Mass.  After Mass we will go out to dinner and then come home and watch a Hallmark Christmas movie.  A good way to relax.

There is something packed and ready to go:

My knitting is ready.  The bag in front is my socks and the back bag is the advent scarf KAL I am doing.  Now you know what is super important for a trip away from home.  Not like there aren't any yarn shops where we are.  Actually, there is one about 2 miles away from our hotel!  I have been there a couple of times.  What a lovely shop it is.  "Sin City Knits" is the name of it.

Time to go and attack the fridge.

Until next time.............happy crafting!


  1. You get done in one day what would take me a week! But I am glad to see your priority is where it should be...knitting! LOL! Your mantel is beautiful. I haven't even started decorating. I can't believe I've made it to Day 24 either but really glad I have and I may try and continue. Take care and enjoy your dinner out and relaxing later....you deserve it!
    P.S. I love your project bags! Did you make those? They're darling!

  2. I'm impressed with all you're getting done before your trip. How great it will be to come back to a house that is decorated and clean! I love your mantel too. What beautiful stonework!

  3. Safe travels to you. Oh you must drop by the LYS. Two miles isn't that far.


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