YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Day 8

Happy Friday Eve.  It has been a super busy day for us today.  Let me fill you in on yesterday first.

My Grandson had his surgery.  The appendix had not burst or leaked but it was imminent.  It was supposed to be a quick in and out and the he would be discharged that afternoon.  The surgery was a quick in and out but (there seems to always be a but) his creatine level was slightly elevated so they wanted to give him some extra fluids to flush his kidneys.  He did go home today and is doing fine.

Bingo, last night was a bust.  Neither of us won.  We did get to watch some ladies win BIG bucks though.  ($25,000!)  It was fun and I will be agreeable to go again.  It was late, though, when I got home. (11:20pm)  When I arrived home, I discovered one of my brother in laws was there to spend the night.  We were expecting him the next day!  SURPRISE!  We stayed up talking until midnight.  My bum is dragging today!

Speaking of today.....................Hubby and I had some shopping to get done for the Retreat at our church this weekend.  We hit just a few stores;

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WinCo shopping was for us.  Hubby gets his tea there and I grabbed some items for my party mix I will making in a few weeks.

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Our stop at Costco was for us too.  Hubby's Dunkin Donuts coffee was on special as well as a few snacks we needed to grab for a trip we have coming up after Thanksgiving.

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Finally, we went to Sam's Club and picked up 3 cases of water, pineapple spears, and potato salad for the retreat.  We were almost done by this time.  Yet, we still needed macaroni salad.  So off we went to:

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Got the macaroni salad and we were on our way home.  Only spent 4.5 hours shopping.  Now my bum is really dragging.  My RA is flared up right now too so it was not too much fun for me.  I am glad we got it all completed.  That means we can relax all day tomorrow until 6pm when we go and set up the rooms for the retreat.

BTW, I did find a recipe for cinnamon raisin spelt bread.  Tomorrow will see me making that.  It is not done in the bread machine, but that is ok.  It doesn't take much kneading and if my hands are not cooperating,  I will have hubby work on it.  SHHHHH He doesn't know that yet.

There has not been time for me to get my camera set up.  I do have a point and shoot Canon that takes fabulous photos.  If I do not get the 'big' camera set up tomorrow, the little point and shoot will go with me.  It is super easy to download it too.

Time for me to put my feet up.  There could possibly be a little knitting happening today.  The needles have not been touched for two days.  Can you believe that?  I do take knitting to retreat, so there will be some progress made on Saturday.

Until next time..........happy crafting!


  1. I hope your grandson is okay...thank goodness they got it in time. I had one little one who's appendix burst when they were operating and he was one sick little boy. It broke my heart because he was pre-school and they don't understand but he survived and is all grown up now...minus an appendix.
    I would be exhausted after all that shopping! I can barely handle Walmart! LOL! Good for you guys! Take care of yourself though. No knitting in 2 days? Are you sure you don't have a temperature?
    I use my Kitchenaid mixer to do my kneading since I got RA....do you have one? If not, Hubby will do! LOL!


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