YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


It is election day here in the USA.  Please go out and vote!  I don't care what party you associate with, it is still important to exercise the right we have to vote.  There are too many countries where voting is taking your life in your hands if you do it.  We are blessed to have the FREEDOM to vote.

Image result for i voted early

Hubby and I do early ballots.  It was a good thing this year too as there were 52 judges on our ballot to vote on.  We researched each one of them and that takes time.

I am looking forward to the end of today.  The political ads on TV, the internet, and all the phone calls are making me a little crazy.  It seems sad when I look forward to a Preparation H commercial!

OK, on to other stuff.

Went to Home Depot yesterday and picked up a new pot for my peace lily from my mom's memorial service.  It was in a 12" pot and totally root bound.  Today it is happily growing in a 17" pot.

It is hard to see the size difference in this photo.  The original container (on the right) sat on top of the milk can that is now upside down to accommodate the new pot (on the left).  It will be a while before it starts blooming again.  Once they are repotted, they usually go into a bit of shock.  

Last night hubby and I went to dinner with our Grand Daughter and her mom.  Texas Roadhouse was the place to be.  Super yummy food and I was good and did not eat their rolls.  Planning what to eat before I go somewhere is a big help with Weight Watchers.

Before we went to the restaurant, we stopped by their house to drop off the girl's school bag.  In their entryway, they have a 55 gallon aquarium.  It is loaded with guppies!

They started with about 5 guppies may years ago and they have never had to buy another fish since then.  There is also a 15 year old Plecko in there.

He is a happy little camper.  He is about 8-9 inches long.  It is unbelievable he has lived this long.  Every time they go on vacation, they tell us not to worry if he goes belly up, but just to get him out of there if it happens.  EWWWWW!

I worked on my socks again last night and both socks now have 3 pattern repeats on them.  The puzzle also got some love yesterday and is nearing completion.  Today we will be doing house cleaning and laundry.  (Bet you wish you could be here to help!) I have some research to do on different items today so that will keep me busy for a while.  I still have not picked up the camera to work with it.  Today, the batteries will be charged so tomorrow I can get back to it.  

Until next time...................happy crafting!


  1. i did early vote too and glad I did as the neighbor drove by and said it was packed. The aquarium is beautiful. I always wanted one but now it would just be one more thing to take care of.
    The plant is beautiful and what a nice remembrance of your Mom. Since I only watch t.v. through Roku I don't get the political ads but I still get the medical ones.
    There was also a saying "Vote Early and Vote Often"! LOL! Put your feet up tonight! I'm going to for sure!

  2. LOL about the Preparation H commercials. I was commenting yesterday during the news that it's been a while since we've seen any medicine commercials. I'm so glad the political commercials will come to an end - for a while, anyway.

    I repotted some plants yesterday and a peace lily (from FIL's funeral this past spring) was among them. I'm looking forward to tending them all this winter. I hope yours brings you happy thoughts of your mother.


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