YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, November 5, 2018



Hello and welcome to day 5.  I hate to say it but, it is another gorgeous day here in the deserts of Arizona.  Right now I am sitting here with my doors and windows opened ad there is a nice cool breeze blowing through my house.  Our expected high today is only 82 and that is perfect for us here.

Last night we had a lovely meal at our son's house.  He smoked a pork loin and made au gratin potatoes and a salad to go with it.  I baked an apple crisp that goes in line with my WW.  It was very yummy and not hard to make at all.  I will be doing that one again.

After we returned home, hubby watched the evening football game and I decided to work on my socks for a change.

I was able to get another 18 row pattern done on one sock.  Hopefully I can do the same on the other sock yet today.  I like to keep them equal.  Once I have 4 repeats of the pattern, I will decide if I want to start the heel or do one more repeat.  I guess I could look at the other Snoqualmie socks in my drawer and see what I did there.  (Did you see that light bulb go off over my head?)

I pulled this out today.

I was doing quite well with learning my camera and then life happened and I put all of it away.  I am determined to get acquainted with the workings of my camera so I can take some photos that will be worthy of framing.  Since the weather has cooled off, I now can go out into the desert and try some of my different lenses and get creative with shooting pictures.  We have some lovely places around us just begging to be photographed.

Just finishing up my coffee for the day and then will get to a little housework and then off to have fun with yarn and camera.

Until next time..........................happy crafting!

1 comment:

  1. Have fun snappin' photos. I have to try to make potato au gratin one of these days.


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