YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, November 16, 2018

Day 16

No photos today, just conversation.

Question; Do y'all use flannel sheets for your bed?  I had never even heard of flannel sheets until about 15 years ago.  They are nice.  It is one of the reasons we do not need our heater much here.  Snuggling under the flannel sheets and a down comforter is pure heaven.  I even leave a window cracked in the bedroom as I can not stand not having air movement.  Yup, just a bit claustrophobic.  Y'all are probably thinking "so what, it never gets THAT cold in Phoenix".  For those of you with snow and freezing temps you would find our winters pretty mild..BUT.. if you live 85% of your year at 105 and above, 45 degrees is pretty darn cold.  That would be like those that live in 80 degrees in the summer going to 20 degrees in the winter.  It is flat out COLD!  So again, I ask..........do y'all use flannel sheets for your bed in the winter time?  Mine went on this week.  LOVE IT!

The menus for the next week have been planned.  The grocery list is made.  Hubby and I will be venturing out to the grocery stores in the next hour or so.  We will be getting our turkey for the family gathering today too.  As well as supplying our cupboards with food for the next week, our church is asking for donations for Thanksgiving food for families who otherwise would not have any.  We will be doing that shopping today as well and dropping it off at Mass tomorrow.

Tonight, our local Grand Daughter is performing in the play, Mary Poppins Jr.  She has the role of Mrs Brill the housekeeper.  We are looking forward to seeing the play.  The kids have been practicing since the beginning of September.  It should be good.

Will be throwing some chicken tenders in the crockpot soon along with some salsa verde.  Tonight I am making Chicken Taquitos.  I needed something fairly easy to make since we have such an important date tonight.  Clean up from this is pretty easy too.  WOOHOO!  Gotta love crockpot liners.

That is all for now.

Until next time.................happy crafting!


  1. Yes, I love flannel sheets....I use them all year. You are so right...temps are relative depending on what you;re used to. I'll probably freeze when I go back North! LOL!
    Have fun tonight...you're a better woman than I. I am so tired after shopping. TTYL!
    Oh, your taquitos sound good.

  2. Crock pot liners? Didn't know they existed, but am definitely looking into that. Sounds like a great idea, as it is officially crockpot weather here in Ohio. Where for the first day in about 5 days it's above freezing, little wind and the snow is gone. I hear ya on temps. Our bodies get used to high's or low's. What makes the biggest difference to me is you have no humidity. 40 with 80% humidity makes your bones hurt. I hate flannel sheets, hubby loves them. They are on, as of a week ago. I get much warmer at night than he does which is why I don't like them. Our compromise is I use regular pillow covers for myself. I like a nice cool pillow. I put my arms out if I get to warm and he adds additional blanket on his side, lol. Enjoy the play. Takes me back to when my daughter was into drama in high school years. Good memories.

  3. We are using flannel sheets right now. They are a big difference from cotton ones. Have you tried fleece sheets? My brother and SIL gave us a set two Christmases ago and oh boy are they the best!


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