YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Day 14

Hello and welcome.  Today shows promise of being a productive day....finally.  There is a list of to do's to be accomplished.  If completed, I will be proud.

Yesterday started out as a nice quiet day for us retired folk.  I was still pretty 'meh' from the weekend.  Trying to find my mojo was not happening.  So I worked on the puzzle a bit and also did some knitting.  I did finish my scarf.

The last of the bind off happened late last night after I posted my blog.  I really do like the scarf and am hoping to wear it this winter. (If it gets cold enough)

The scarf is about 5.5 inches wide and will not get any wider.  This yarn has way too much acrylic in it to take a blocking.  That is OK.....I am still going to give it a little soak to see if it will soften up a little bit.  

Since that was completed, my socks are getting some love now.

There was only 4 rows added to them last night before I fell asleep while knitting.  I was super tired.  Even though it started out as a quiet day, I got called to teen duty around 6 so had to scramble to get ready to go pick her up and go to her house until the parental units got home.  I didn't return home until after 8:30 and was so hungry.  Made a quick plate of nachos to fill the hole.

This is why they were not able to pick up said teenager.

They finally got a new used car (Jeep).  Their 12 year old truck kept dying while being driven and the dealership could not find anything wrong with it.  They nursed it through for several months but knew it was becoming a danger to drive and ride in.  Being a one car family would not work for them either.  They tried and it just wasn't happening.  I am so happy for them.  

I got something new last week and have yet to show and tell about it.

Muffin tins!!!!!!!!  What?  You're not excited or jumping up and down with glee?  These are very special muffin tins.  This pan will fit into my Breville counter top oven.

Image result for breville smart oven

I love my Breville and use it almost daily.  I bake bread in it, cookies, casseroles, air fry, toast and anything else you do in a BIG oven.  It also have a convection feature on it.  I have had it for over a year and love it.  The problem is finding items that will fit in it.  It is only 13.5 inches from side to side inside and about 11 inches deep.  The muffin tin is 11.25" X 9".  Perfect fit and makes regular sized muffins/cupcakes.  The best part of the muffin tin....it is made in the USA  (and non stick).  I am planning on making some breakfast muffins today to test it out.  Might do some cupcakes too if time permits.  I can take those to Prayer Shawl tomorrow for the ladies.

Need to make some phone calls and the make menus, grocery list, do some laundry as well as making muffins/cupcakes.

Until next time.................happy crafting!


  1. Love how you call them "the parental units"...too funny! Love your Rising Tides! It is just beautiful! You go with the socks...I still have yet to pick mine back up as I'm busy with the Christmas 'making'. Great looking vehicle and I hope it works good for them. They're so lucky to have you nearby. Your day sounds almost exactly like mine today. I'll have to look into that Breville. I have some antique muffin tins that are only 6 and I love them. But of course, mine aren't non-stick but I usually use cupcake liners anyway. What are you going to start knitting next? Inquiring minds want to know! LOL! HAe a great day and make sure you get your rest!

  2. You've got me very curious about that Breville. We use our toaster oven daily, but that looks like it's a big step up from a toaster. Something to consider for the future, maybe. And Yay on finishing your Rising Tide. FWIW, I block acrylic all the time. It requires steam and one needs to be careful not to "kill" it, but it blocks beautifully when done carefully. That's how I got the edges of my Spicier Life straight.


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