YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Day 7

It is 6AM and still dark here and will be for another hour yet.  The sun will set at 5:30 tonight.  Love this time of year.  My dogs don't.  They get pretty confused and can not understand why we wait so long after sunset to go to bed.  They do not 'get' changing of the seasons.  In fact, they are still in their beds and will be until the sun comes up.

Yesterday, hubby got the bathrooms and kitchens all nice and clean.   My job is to move as much out of those rooms as possible to make his mopping job easier.  Then I move it all back.  I did not get as much laundry done as I wanted, so that is top priority today.  

I did finish the puzzle yesterday.

Only took 9 days to complete but then it only gets worked on for about an hour a day.  There is another puzzle already set up.  I am missing 1 boarder piece and it is making me a little crazy.  Being a 1000 piece puzzle, finding that piece at the moment is not easy.  So, I will work on the opposite edge until I whittle down some of the pieces and hope I find it.

Tonight, my daughter in law and I are going to one of the casinos here, to play bingo.  I have not been to our casinos here in quite a while.  The bingo games here last for 4 hours and makes that $40 spent seem like a pretty good deal.  In Las Vegas, the bingo games only last 1 hour................unless it is a tournament and then we are there for 6-8 hours.  I already have my bingo bag packed an ready to go.

We got a call last night from our son in Texas.  Seems one of our Grand Son's is in the hospital with possible appendicitis.  They are making a decision this morning as to whether or not to operate.  I am waiting for that phone call as I type this.  There is an issue with his appendix but the Dr said it is not actual appendicitis but could turn into that.  They are waiting for a consult with a surgeon.  

One thing I want to research today is how to make cinnamon raisin bread with spelt flour.  Sam make a lovely looking fruit bread yesterday and it really got my mouth watering for some raisin bread.

The camera battery is charged up.  Now I need to get the settings on it fixed as I will be needing it this weekend for the retreat.  Hopefully I can find some time in the next 2 days to complete that task.

Until next time...................happy crafting!


  1. I pray all goes well with your grandson! My daughter had an emergency appendectomy a few summers ago - she was on the west coast and I was on the east coast. Luckily her husband kept me up to date frequently enough. It was crazy!! My dog is fine with the time changes phew!!

  2. When I was young I had appendicitis 'attacks' but never had my appendix out. I can remember laying on the couch with ice packs on my side. My Mother was a nurse but believed that you should try and keep your appendix and your tonsils if you can. She believed that just because we didn't know what they were for didn't mean they didn't have a use. I pray all goes well for your grandson.
    Most of my bread recipes I get on King Arthur Flour website. They have fantastic recipes for all kinds of things and many bread machine recipes too....free!
    Great job on the puzzle and good luck at bingo!

  3. What a puzzle to have completed. Hope they kept your grandson comfortable in the hospital. My dad almost died from appendicitis when he was small.


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