YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Week 23

Hello everyone.  Welcome back to my little blog.  Having just finished a month long daily blog posting, it felt good to take a day off before updating my Year of Projects post.  There are some that are doing Holi-dailies this month.  I am not.  Last month took it out of me.  It was enjoyable but not something I would want to do all the time.

Let's take a look at what I did in crafting this week.

This is the KAL Advent Scarf 2018.  I am very much enjoying this knit.  It is slow going for me as, I am teaching myself to read charts.  I have a couple of mistakes in the scarf, but I am not going to tear out 10 rows to fix 2 stitches.  Nope, this is a scarf for me so I am happy with it the way it is.  I am quite a bit behind on the scarf.  I have been printing out the pattern each day so I have it available as I get to the next day's rows.  This way I can proceed at my own pace and not feel pressured to do "X" amount of rows each day.

I have been working on my Snoqualmie socks too.

This is the leg of the sock.  The pattern in this is so easy to do and makes the sock seem to go quickly.

I still have over 2 inches that needs to be done on the foot before I start the toe.  The other sock is one inch shorter on the foot than this one.  They just might be done before Christmas LOL.

Those are the only 2 things I have going on.  I am planning on casting on the Star Pillow tonight yet.  It is another KAL that is going on.  The group is in a German speaking group but the computer asks me if I want it to translate it to English.  That makes it so nice and easy.  I am able to keep abreast of any problems these super duper knitters run into.

Yesterday we spent from 7 until 1:30 at our church presenting a Day of Prayer for about 20 people.  We got home and just had enough time to eat some lunch, freshen up and head off to Mass.  We had our Grand Daughter with us as her parents were heading to a hockey game that night.  

After Mass, we took the Grand and one of her friends to a birthday party at a local restaurant and then they went to an escape room.  Here is a photo of the group of kids we spent the evening with.

It was a fun evening for the kids.

After all the fun we brought the Grand back for her sleepover that did not happen.  Her parents got out of the hockey game and made it back to town before we were even thinking of going to bed.  They came over and picked up their daughter, but not before she did a bit of this.

Enrique so loves it when she comes over.  She will sit and pet him for long periods of time.  Spoiled little dog!

That is all for today.  We are watching the Green Bay/Cardinal game and I am loving it.  It is snowing there and snow football games are my favorite!

Until next time.............happy crafting!


  1. I can’t spot a mistake on your scarf and I am sure when you’ve finished it you’ll forget where it was. What a cute dog. 🙂

  2. I think all dogs are spoiled! Our Frodo begs for pets from visitors and becomes a little pest. I love your knits and I don't think anyone will know a mistake but you :)

  3. Still loving that blue yarn you're knitting your Advent Scarf with so you take all the time you want. I will enjoy seeing every picture you post of it. And the socks are gorgeous!

  4. I love how you're such devoted grandparents.

  5. This looks like a great week! Your little dog looks very cute, I would for sure also want to pet him. And I love your sock, both the colour of that yarn you are using and the pattern.

  6. Your scarf is turning out so nice and the design is really intriguing. I love cables of any kind. The socks are almost finished! Yay! Is that a cable design too? I guess I'm not sure what the definition of a cable is. I should look that up. You are so busy I don't blame you for not blogging every day. Your Granddaughter and Enrique are so cute together. You can tell he loves her. What a big birthday group! What's an 'escape room'? I didn't get to see any games yesterday but I too love snow games!

  7. Whew...been a few years since I did a blog thing where you posted every day for a month. It really can take the fun out of it. Glad you got a little breather and could do some knitting. LOVE the start of the scarf, both the color and the pattern. I totally agree...I wouldn't tear it out either. I've not tried my hand yet with reading charts but should one of these days. The whole right to left thing I think would be an adjustment for me. Thanks for the visit.

  8. Oh shoot, wanted to ask you if you were skier? I used to be when I was younger.


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