YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, December 9, 2018


What a great week I have had.  There has been a lot of knitting, crocheting, sewing, cooking and preparation for our 12 days of Christmas.  Our Christmas season starts on Christmas eve with Mass and goes until the feast of the three kings (Epiphany) on January 6th.  The season we are in right now is Advent which is the preparation time for the coming of the Christ Child.  

Want to see what happened in the crafting area of Advent?  Of course you do!

The start pillow front is almost completed.  Hopefully the back will get done this week.  Then the next 2 weeks are spent doing the points of the stars.  This KAL is being held in a German Ravelry group.  Trust me, my high school German stinks but the ladies in there are super kind and wonderful.  We all use a translation program to speak to each other.  I have learned a new increase technique that I love.  You do a YO when you want to increase a stitch.  Then on the next round you knit into the back of that YO stitch and TA-DA!  No hole!  So much easier than doing the M1L/M1R.  I can never remember which one slants which way and it makes my knitting progress slow waaaaaay down.  I still like knit front and back for increases but they really show up in the finished product.

My other main knitting project this week was:

The Advent Scarf KAL.  I am super far behind.  Almost 200 rows behind.  But I really don't care.  I am enjoying the knit on this and have learned many new stitches.  Japanese stitches are very intricate.  There is a lot of movement in the finished material and I am loving the look and feel of this.

The main reason I am behind in my scarf is this:

That is a pile of 44 cut out pieces of material.  They are destined to become project bags with liners.  Once completed, there will be 22 project bags.  These bags are to be given out to the ladies in my prayer shawl group.  We have our 'Christmas' party this week Thursday.  My hope is to have them all completed by then so the ladies can pick out the one that speaks to them.

I spent all Thursday afternoon and all day Friday cutting them out.  Yesterday, I ironed all of them to make sure they were nice and smooth.  Today, I will begin the sewing of them.  I have no idea how many I can complete in a day............yet.  Once they are sewn, I will have hubby help me apply all the snaps to them to finish them up.

The only other thing I worked on this week is a prayer shawl.

It is another "To the Point" pattern shawl.  I love this pattern so much.  It is such a quick crochet too.  The yarn is Paint by Katia.  It has 20% wool in it, so will need to mark that on the shawl for the new owner of it.  

In other areas this week.  I spent 11.5 hours doing some baking for the upcoming season.  There are 18 gallons of Chex Party Mix in my house, along with 4 9x9 pans of fudge.  This week will see the Scotch Treats being made as well as some more fudge too.  All these goodies get passed out to friends and family for Christmas gifts.  It has been a tradition for my family for many generations to do this.  I remember my Grandmother doing this as well as my mother. I can remember way back there would be Christmas Stolen (a German sweet bread), fruit cake (homemade with lots of brandy poured on it weekly for a month), fudge, divinity, pralines, springele cookies (Swedish anise flavored picture cookies), pfeffernuese cookies (Peppernut German cookies),  Party mix, Peanut butter fudge, Haystacks, Scotch treats..............and the list goes on and on.

What are you doing to prepare for the 'BIG' day?  Are you making or buying gifts for your loved ones?  Do you have any traditions that have been passed down for generations?  I really want to know.

Until next time.........................Happy Crafting!!!!


  1. I love your pink star pillow! Are you sure that the Springerle are Swedish? I know them from the Southern German or maybe also Swiss region. There are very beautiful historic crafted molds to make these, called "Model" -see here for details:

  2. How lovely that you have these traditions, beliefs and you are making so many gifts, Can I ask what the Scotch Treats are? Are they something with whisky in? I remember being in America and they had Scottish pudding on the menu and it turned out to be sticky toffee pudding (as we would call it). You mention it and fudge so I’m wondering if it’s what we’d call Tablet (like a sugary more grainy fudge). Anyhoo, the way I remember the M1R is Right and Rear...so you pick up from rear. I am going to try this YO version you’ve mentioned though, that sounds useful. The advent scarf pattern is so intricate and pretty. I look forward to seeing your cushion when it’s finished, wish I’d had time to squeeze that in this year, but gift socks are taking my time.

  3. Your star pillow is looking good and the advent scarf is looking good. I too wouldn't worry about being on time or not with it but would also prefer to just enjoy knitting it. Sounds like lots of yummy preparation is going on for you right now. I've done my cake and puddings baking but want to make some mince pies and gingerbread both for the children but also for some gifts.

  4. OMG!! I've not done that much baking in the last 20 years combined. It's something I've never enjoyed doing and so don't. I don't make Christmas cookies, we don't need the calories, but there will be some at our family gathering on Christmas Eve. Love the idea of your bags, what a great gift idea. The shawl is so pretty, light and airy and reminds me of spring........if only it were spring. I'm already tired of winter. The scarf is such a gorgeous color. I'm making a note about your new way to increase...I like that's there's no hole with it.

  5. The start of your pillow looks great, and your pile of fabric looks daunting, but will sew up quickly I'm sure. What a lovely idea to give out project bags? I haven't tried some of the bakes on your list, but stolen is a favourite of mine.

  6. Ooooh fudge...I need to make some!! And that Chex mix, I always loved that. Great ideas for me Marsha. Your projects look really cool.

    The BIG day is a bunch of days for me! As usual I have food planned to celebrate. :) We are getting our tree tomorrow and there will be cheesecake and egg nog as we decorate! :)

    Alex and I have started our own traditions because both of our upbringings were nothing to memorialize. Our traditions all involve food, time with each other and the pets. :) It's fun. :)

  7. Well I used to do cookies but no longer. I love eating them too much. Our holiday traditions are pretty simple now - found the holiday just to stressful with them - a tree, gifts, Christmas Eve celebration with family and they sleep over, and a Christmas party with friends at our house the first weekend after the New Years. That is about all for us. It used to be far more.

  8. Wow, Marsha, you are so productive. I hope you get pictures of the finished bags (or at least one) before giving them out. That is so thoughtful of you! Your baking sounds so yummy. I would like to bake, bake, bake, but if I did I would, at a minimum, have to sample everything and I know me - sampling isn't something I'm good at. Eating, I'm too good at. The sweets that are making their way into our home even without me baking is astounding. I may make some cookies before the season is over, though. The inspiration may get to me. ;^) Christmas plans haven't been made, yet so I don't know what I'll be contributing to the extended family meal. Christmas Eve will be simple - maybe even take out if anything's open.

  9. You are really a go-getter! Look at all you accomplished. I wish I could say the same but I'm getting presents done and then I found out my son's girlfriend/fiance? Not really sure...she's graduating with her master's degree this Friday...I just found out so I am hoping I can get this cowl done for her or is that an appropriate gift? I'm not sure but I certainly want to recognize her achievement. All that wonderful baking and all those project bags? You are super woman! I have much to do yet and 2 doctor appts. on separate days in Mtn Home so there's 2 days I won't get anything done. Oh well, it is what it is and I won't fret as I love this season so much! Your new shawl is gorgeous in those colors and the KAL shawl is stunning! The design is so intricate...you are a great knitter!
    I will bake some things for gifting especially the postman and co. and maybe the pharmacy, mechanic and garbage men. Even if it gets done between Christmas and New Years it will be fine but the grands have to have their stuff by Christmas so I best get busy! LOL! Take care and so glad someone is 'on schedule'...you and Santa!

  10. Love the material you have chosen for the project bags. Such a cool idea for gifts. Yes, here I am in the season of advent too - looking forward to the 12 days and hopefully will have my grand-daughter snuggled in my lap.

  11. I haven't started baking and kind of don't want to :) I'd rather knit! You are getting so much done even if you are behind on the advent scarf - it'll get done!

  12. I liked how you described the 12 days of Christmas as I didn't know what it meant nor how it was laid out. I like that wordy fabric.


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