YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, December 23, 2018



Hello everyone.  Hope you all are doing well and are finding some 'me' time in the busyness of this time of year.  Luckily for me, there has been quite a bit of 'me' time.  Hubby and I promised ourselves we would not over do this year and we haven't.  Decorating, baking, and shopping have all been spaced out nicely over the last 4 weeks.  We are ready for Christmas and 2019.  

Since I had quite a bit of 'me' time this week, I concentrated on my Advent Scarf KAL.

The progress keeper on the right side is where I was last week.  I am still quite a bit behind others.  My pattern is on day December 11.  Only 12 days behind LOL.  That is OK, as I am in no hurry to finish this.  The pattern is printed out so I have it readily available to work on at my leisure.  

This is how I was working on it the other night.

A nice glass of wine to end the day.  I had to black out the pattern as it is going to be a 'paid for' pattern after Christmas.  The date on the top of this page is the 6th.  So, you can see I have been very faithful to this project.

The Advent Star KAL saw a little bit of work on it.

There were several rows done and I also closed up the center of it.  It has not seen the light of day since last week Sunday though.  It will get finished and stuffed.  Just not this week.

There is a FO!

Another 'To the Point' shawl.  This is my most loved pattern as you probably can tell.  It makes me happy to be able to finish a project in just a day or 2. This shawl and dishcloths are my easy peasy quickie patterns to do when I have a looooong knit going on.

Today marks the half way point of this year's YOP (for those of us that start in July), I wanted to take a look at my "list" to see how I am doing.


Do not buy any more yarn.  ( there are 10 skeins of sock yarn on the way that was ordered a week ago) Blew this one.  I have purchased quite a bit more yarn.  OOPS!

Finish up what is on my needles/hooks.  (2 shawls,1 sweater, 1 scarf, and 1 pair of socks) Finished 2, frogged 1 and 2 are still languishing

Make a sweater for our cooler weather here. (a sweater is all we need here for winter) Hasn't happened.  Have not found the perfect pattern for it

Continue making shawls/lapghans for the prayer shawl ministry Completed 3 and have 1 on the needles.

Make socks 1 pair done and 1 pair on the needles

Sew project bags  19 made and another 8 cut out

Work on other crafts (plastic canvas, egg carving, ornament kits, etc)  Hoping to get to my egg carving after the new year

Make a Christmas ornament for each of the Grands Completed!  Even got them mailed and they have been received.

And other items as they strike my fancy.  2 scarves completed and 1 in progress, a shawl for me completed, 2 dishcloths completed and 1 produce bag done.  Star pillow in progress.

I want to wish all of you a wonderful Christmas (If you celebrate it).  Stay safe and warm!

Until next time...................Happy Crafting!!


  1. You have had such a productive time so far, and we are only half way through! Your advent scarf and pillow are coming along nicely - have a lovely Christmas.

  2. That made me laugh out loud where you have on your project list not to buy more yarn...you’d deserve a medal 🥇 if, as a knitter, you can resist buying yarn for a year. You’ve made great progress on your list though and so many items as gifts, you are very generous with your making. I look forward to seeing how the egg carving goes...are these ostrich eggs or just chicken eggs?

  3. I love the color of your Advent Scarf! You are coming along nicely with it! Some how I have managed to (mostly) keep up and will finish on time (the first year I have managed to accomplish that!!)
    Merry Christmas ♥

  4. All your projects are lovely and I really like the star! The advent scarf is beautiful and so is your "to the Point" shawl. You have accomplished a lot so far...I'm the slacker! LOL! I will take this week to assess my progress and goals. Enjoy your Christmas and glad you had time before to relax. Merry Christmas!

  5. You got a huge amount of work done on your advent scarf Marsha and it's looking good! Well done on finishing another shawl. For a half way year review I'd say you're making great progress on your list, well done. Am late getting to everyones blogs this week, but I hope you are having a very happy holidays, Ruth.

  6. Congratulations on the shawl being finished! I love your advent star too. Merry Christmas Marsha! xx

  7. I did my best not to over do it. I decorated a little less and I tried to simplify my cooking (and my life). So this year it's been relaxing. Tomorrow will be crazy with my daughter and son in law arriving and me cooking a turkey dinner.


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