YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, March 29, 2020


Hello everyone.  Are you all doing ok?  We are all fine here, maybe a little bored but doing fine just the same. I woke up super early again today and feel very motivated to get something done around the house.  Don't you just love it when that motivation comes in spurts?  I don't know what I will do yet, but am sure it will be something in the way of decluttering.  Look out house!

It was a good week for knitting.  I have a couple of FO's to show.

Dishcloth #7 has been completed and added to the pile.  Our Daughter and her hubby are coming by today so I am going to give her the cloths I have completed just in case we go on full out governor ordered quarantine.  If I get more completed, I can always mail them to her.  She was hoping for 12 for a wedding gift.  Not even sure she can go to the wedding since we are limiting groups to a total of 10 people.  

Here is the other FO

The Rose City Roller socks are completed. The day after I took them off the needles, I went to grab them so I could photograph them and couldn't find them.  I asked hubby where they were.  He gets this sly grin on his face, kicks off his shoes, pulls up his pant legs and BAM!  There they were already on his feet.  Yup, he loves hand knit socks.

Since he loves them so much, it inspired me to pull the Scatterby socks out and do a little work on them this week.

The bright pink dot on the left sock is where I started this week.  It isn't much but these are not a great TV sock as there are, slip with yarn in front stitches, as well as stitches where you wrap the needle twice when knitting a stitch.  Each row varies as to where those special stitches get placed.  They are best for either listening to a book or music.  I still have about 2 -3 inches to go before I do the ribbing for the cuff.

Since you can see the High Effects Feather and Fan shawl behind the socks, here is where I am now.

It is just about half way done.  See how much yarn is left?  I did fine the ball band and it is:

I never thought I would buy a skein of yarn with 1200 yards in it.  That is a lot of yarn.  

The white sea glass marker (thanks Liz) is where I started this week.  This one I do while watching TV even though I have to be able to count to 6 while doing the lace row.  Otherwise it is knit two rows and purl one row.  Pretty simple.

On Thursday I worked on the Cabled Rosary Prayer Shawl.

It is quite long as you can see.  I can not even pull it open to it's full length on the cables.  This one is NOT TV knit worthy.  It is an 8 row repeat and each row has a little quirk in it that forces me to pay attention to where I am at.  I did manage to get 3 pattern repeats done on it this week.  I am thinking, when this is done it will be more of the size of a lapghan than a shawl.  That is OK too.  We use both in our ministry.  

I do like the openness of the pattern.  Since it is made from Cascade Cotton Club yarn (a discontinued yarn), it will be perfect for year round use.  

I did get most of my new yarn wound up this week.  There are a couple of skeins still waiting.  One of them I can wind at any time as I know it is for socks.  The other skein is being looked at and just might become a shawl for moi.  I have been handling a few skeins of superwash wool (the super soft kind) and it does not seem to be bothering my skin.  I do have one skein of SW destined to become a lovely shawl for me.  If that one does not irritate my skin, then the last skein will also become a shawl.  Fingers crossed!

Last night, we had the son of hubby's, dearly departed best friend, over for dinner.  He was so thankful for a home cooked meal.  He has been surviving on TV dinners and sandwiches since Thanksgiving.  I just might make him a nice pasta casserole and take that over to him.  It would give him meals for several days.  I would also include a nice loaf of my homemade bread to go with it.  That would give me something to do this coming week!

My local son text me yesterday, wanting to know if there were anymore bananas at my house that were in need of going into banana bread.  He also wanted to know if I would have time to make said banana bread.  LOL  Why yes, there are 2 bananas sitting on my counter waiting for me to make them into bread.  I wonder how he knew that.  Guess I will make some banana bread either today or tomorrow.  Seeing they bought me 5 pounds of wheat flour and that is what I use in the bread.  I am such a nice mom, right?

I need to make a loaf of regular bread today.  We went through half of the loaf I made yesterday,  last night with dinner.  Dinner is the only time hubby and I eat bread but with the extra mouth it really made the bread disappear.  Fine with me.  Better to see it eaten then for it to mold!

Our Daughter and her husband are coming over today to pick up their eggs and vinegar that was purchased for them during 'operation family shopping' day.  We will also feed them dinner.  Hubby is putting a brisket on the smoker in a few hours.  Once again we will have homemade bread with it as well as baked beans or maybe a pasta salad.  I haven't decided which one yet.  They are also picking up our cooking pans that got replaced this week.  It will be good to see them again.  Most of February and the first week of March, they both were sick.  They are very conscientious when the don't feel good and will not go to anyone's house during that time.  They have both been well now, for over 2 weeks so they figured they would come to our side of town to see us for a little bit.   

I have managed to stay home since our grocery spree on Wednesday.  Our cases of the virus here has really escalated.  I have no desire to go anywhere at this point. Although,  I may venture to my son's house to deliver the bread and that would be it.  He works from home and his daughter is doing online school.  His wife does work out of the house at a Podiatrist's office but she is the biggest OCD Germ-a-phobe ever.  I figure their house is one of the safest places to be.  Plus, I miss petting their crazy dog.

Doesn't he look like he needs some MiMi loving? 

I will leave you with a little funny I saw the other day.

Until Next Time.....................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!  STAY WELL!


  1. Hi Marsha :) I love how your son snuck in the fact that he wanted you to make him banana bread lol...According to our govt, the virus here in Quebec is under control, but I still don't feel like going near anyone. I'm a germaphobe too so that works in my favour to keep me at home! You have done so much knitting!! I love the dishcloth and your hubbie's socks!! I'm never bored at home, honestly, if I never had to leave I wouldn't!! Oh and ha ha ha...that's a good funny! :)

  2. Your socks are magnificent, I can understand your hubby wearing them straight away. Your baking sounds great and I hope to make my own banana bread in the week.

  3. Your husband is so funny - sneaky sock man! You are lucky your family is so close. You have been very productive. and yes, I have had a ball of 1200 yards....I can't seem to finish it - two shawls, and I still have some left. That is lace for you!!

  4. Your hubby's socks turned out great. I kitted up a pair of those socks but I won't be starting them until after my Miss Marple is done. You get so much don eon your shawls it's amazing. You must be a speed knitter. Love all your making and baking. Your lucky guests!

  5. I’m having an issue again with comments not sticking, so apologies if there’s already a comment awaiting approval. I’m so glad to hear your husband appreciates your time and effort and loves his socks. I have a feather and fan pattern in my queue, I wonder if it’s the same pattern, it looks so pretty in pink. Stay safe x

  6. LOL - I'm just picturing your dh keeping his eyes on you as you were approaching the finish of those socks. They turned out great!

  7. I do like the yarn on those RCR socks :) I've never made Husband socks. That's probably because his feet are almost always too warm and he's really hard on socks. That's fine. His feet are HUGE and I don't wanna!

  8. Strange times. Our state has upped the isolation orders and now it is punishable by law. So my kids and grand kids will not be around - I was watching my grand daughter so my kids could work from home. That has to stop. The house is now very quiet. Time on my hands. It has been a long time since I have had such time on my hands.

  9. LOL reading about your husband and his socks. Glad your sons and family are doing well.


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