YOP LIST 2023-2024

Friday, March 20, 2020


Image result for out of steam

I tried so hard to get more deep cleaning done.  It did not happen.  Don't worry, I didn't just sit around looking pretty all day.  Nope, hubby wanted to get the kitchen, laundry room, dining room and kitchen cleaned today.  That is my clue to move furniture around so all he needs to do is clean.  After he is done, I move it all back.  

Before you think I am nothing but a work horse, the furniture I move are the dining room chairs, trash cans, dog bowls, floor mats, and rugs.  So it is not heavy duty stuff.  There is lots of bending and that is hard on the hub's back.  We make a good team as the mopping and vacuuming hurts my shoulders.

Once all the cleaning was completed I had already done one load of towels and had the second load ready to go.  No deep cleaning for me today.  I am out of steam.  Once the towels are done and put away, it will be time for me to sit back and knit.

Our daughter is going to drop by this afternoon.  I bought some snack foods for her and she has a dress I need to measure so I can adjust the hems on a few of my dresses.  Oh Boy!  Something else to do during this 'quiet' time.  

Let's do a little Q&A!!!

How are you handling this social distancing/isolation?
  Not too hard other than no church and grocery shopping is a pain with all the           panicked ppl.  I don't even take a cart into the store.  I use my homemade shopping bags      and put my groceries in those as I go through the store.  

Is it making you crazy?  
   Not really.  I still stay in contact with others via text and phone.  It is making the hubby a        little stir crazy.  He keeps trying to invite people over for social gatherings.  He doesn't get
    it!  I am immune compromise!

How are you occupying your time?  
   Doing deep cleaning and lots of knitting/crocheting.  My WIP pile is going to be so happy!     I also have 2 new patterns waiting to be started.  OOPS!

Will you be able to handle this for 2 months?
    Yes.  I have plenty of yarn (read my update this upcoming Sunday) and our freezer is            stocked with meat and other foods.  There are plenty of books to read too.  

Leave your answers in the comments.

Here is your little humor for today.

Until next time...................happy crafting!


  1. How are you handling this social distancing/isolation?

    Honestly, so far it hasn't felt too bad. DH & I have each other. DH enjoys talking on the phone more than I do - somehow feels silly to me to call people just to talk, but I may be changing my tune about that since we're only 5 days into this - maybe this is day 6. I am loosing traking of the days...

    Reading this week about places like LA doing more serious social distancing, I'm realizing we've already been doing that. It' been a rainy week, so I've only been able to get in one walk. We've each made two quick trips to the grocery - I think to get out more than anything. DH is in the higher risk group on 2 counts, so we definitely have "not getting sick" as a goal.

    How are you occupying your time? Will you be able to handle this for 2 months?

    Besides the normal activities of living, cooking, laundry, very basic clearning, I haven't accomplished much other than reading, watching and listen to video podcasts, and knitting dischloths (oh, you're going to laugh when I report how many I've done this month). While I'm having a little trouble focussing on anything, I haven't been worrying. I think I've been decompressing from feeling the stress of this the week prior. After President Trump's address to the country (which told me he was finally taking this seriously), I felt a great relief. As for doing this for 2 months? I need to come up with a plan. Maybe a structure to my days. We stay up far too late and sleep way too late. While, I'm not sure it matters much when we're sleeping (since we're both getting plenty of sleep), I'd like my days to feel more productive. I'm waiting for you to have some influence on me. ;^)

  2. I have been doing social distancing and isolation for years now. I could give lessons! LOL! It does not make me crazy....but living alone would I know? LOL! I occupy my time just trying to keep up with this big house and now gardening and of course, handwork! I have handled this for years and I am grateful for my blog friends or I wouldn't have any at all! Love your humor bits!


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