YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Stayed Home

Image result for stayed home

We did not go anywhere today.  The plan was to go to the grocery store and the pharmacy.  Neither of us felt like leaving the house so we are postponing that trip.  On the local news last night they told us the National Guard is coming to town with TONS of groceries.  That is the other reason we decided to postpone the shopping trip.  I am hoping to score some yeast and more bread flour.  There is not a bag of flour or a jar of yeast anywhere to be found in our town.  All of a sudden, everyone remembers how to make bread. LOL  Then there are those of us who have been making bread for well over a year and just want to restock our supplies.  Fingers crossed, I will be able to get some in the next couple of weeks.

So what did I do today?  There was a load of laundry done.  It is even folded and put away.  Then the dishwasher got emptied and reloaded.  I made us a nice huge salad, for lunch today, with enough leftover to go with our dinner tonight.  One of our local restaurants is running a special of 'buy 10 wings get 10 wings free'.  Can't beat that deal. We are trying to help out local businesses stay in business.  This is the place we normally go to on Wednesdays for Trivia.  They are strictly carry out until further notice. 

When making the salad I did this:

My mandolin slicer got a piece of my pinky finger knuckle.  OUCH!  I usually am so careful when using that slicer.  Today I was not paying good enough attention as I was slicing the carrot.

Part of the morning was spent winding up the new yarn I received last week.  I will be winding tomorrow again too.  That is a lot of yarn!  There has also been pattern searching for patterns that will compliment the yarn.  That is also going to take more than one day to complete.  In order to keep track of what I am pairing I have done this:

The name of the yarn, yardage, type of pattern and then name of pattern.  If I don't do this, I will be totally lost when I go to grab a skein of yarn.  Especially, since a lot of this yarn is very different fibers than I am used to using.

Our doorbell rang about 2:30 this afternoon.  We have been expecting this delivery for almost a week now.

We finally have a very nice set of matched pots and pans.  Costco had them on sale.  When hubby went to purchase them, the line to get into the store was wrapped around the building.  Being the smart lady I am, I went to their website and ordered them and even got free delivery!  Since we are cooking at home more now, these will come in quite handy for us.

I do believe it is time to do some knitting before dinner and then again after dinner.  I am trying very hard not to cast on anymore items.  My WIP's really need to be worked.  Today I will be finishing up a dishcloth and if there is still time after that, hubby's TAAT socks will receive some love.  (I need the needles the socks are on LOL)

Until next time..................happy crafting!


  1. Nice set of nonstick ware. Ouchie on the finger. How do you score groceries from the National Guard?

  2. I need new pans myself. I should check out Costco. Ordering them on line makes so much sense now.

  3. Sorry about your pinky finger ! The winding of yarn can be a job no matter which contraptions we have to help us because we have to constantly watch to make sure it's winding properly. The cookware is beautiful. I just love cookware and recently added two copper Teflon pieces to my set. They make beautiful egg-white omelettes. Have a great day !



  4. What a great idea your list is with yarn, amount and patterns to consider! I might have to do that as it makes so much sense and I would be able to focus more and make better use of my stash. Thank you!
    The worst cut I ever had was from a mandoline! It literally took off the tip of my finger but no nerve damage. They are dangerous! So sorry you are hurt. I will pray it heals fast. It gives me the shivers to think about it!
    What a great set of pots and pans! Enjoy your new yarns and projects. I am trying to finish my WIPs too. You are not alone!

  5. okay... After reading your post and Sam's comment above, I no longer want to use a mandolin. Ever. My stomach is turning just typing this. uuhhh. Outa here now.


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