YOP LIST 2023-2024

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Image result for toilet paper shortage

Hey, people.  If you need to go into  quarantine, it is for 14 DAYS..............not MONTHS!  I can not believe the craziness of people today.  Hubby and I ventured out to Target, Costco and Winco.  No, we did not need TP or water.  In fact, we only needed about 15 items for the next 10 days or so.  I thought shopping last week during senior day was bad, this was far worse.  People were so RUDE!  They were cutting you off in the check out line.  Parking carts 3 wide in the aisle so you could not pass by.  Letting their children run free all over and cutting in front of your moving cart.  (it is spring break here)  

Luckily for me, my Target shopping was easy.  It was an online order and we just picked it up at the customer service desk.  Costco was the ugliest.  Winco was only busy in certain aisles. (ie: paper products and cleaning supplies)  Needless to say, we were very happy to come home.

I think the weather could also have something to do with the weirdness of today.

It is day 2 of gloom and rain.  I was cut off three times in traffic today.  It is a good thing I do not follow the car in front of me super close.  But I still had to slam on my brakes for each time I was cut off or risk the loss of the front end of my car.  Only 2 more days of this gloomy weather..............ONLY!

I do have one little question with all this hoarding.  Why hoard water?  I don't know about you, but my faucets all produce what I think is 'water' every time I turn them on.  Yes, I prefer RO water (we have several reusable 2 gallon jugs we use) but if I was unable to get it, I would be more than happy to use tap water.  Trust me, it won't contain any viruses.

I sent an email to the DFW Fiber Fest today, to see if they have changed their minds yet in holding the festival.  The Stitches event in Hartford CT got cancelled today.  I was originally going to attend that one until I found the one in TX.  I have family in TX and thought it would be more fun to go there and see family as well as play with fiber.   I am hoping if they cancel the event they give us plenty of notice so I can cancel my hotel and airline reservations without penalty.  Hubby thinks it will be cancelled.  I hope not.

I did find a funny for you for today..............

Is your store out of hand sanitizer?  The lady in front of me at Winco said "I will just pour vodka over my hands if need be".  I had to laugh, but actually, it would work in a pinch.

We are going to Trivia tonight.  I thought about staying home since the weather is so yucky but that would mean I would have to cook.  Plus, I really enjoy the people there.  There is always a laugh or two to be had too.

Until next time....................happy crafting!


  1. The way things are going I'm surprised your Trivia night was not cancelled. My neighbor works retail and said that her manager bought the entire case of hand sanitizer. The box was never opened to be stocked on the shelves. Many cities in Georgia have the majority of schools closed. Wonder what the moving forward plan is. I feel like I'm watching a sci-fi movie. This whole coronavirus scare has me worried.

  2. There's now people selling loo rolls and hand sanitiser for extortionate amounts on eBay. The world has indeed gone crazy and I'm amazed at how many people clearly weren't washing their hands before eew!

  3. I imagine this is hard for "social butterflies" like you but for me it's my normal life of being a recluse, lol! I don't use hand sanitizer but soap and water. I agree about the water. I have a Brita filter and I fill my own water bottles. I have never understood the need to "buy" water. I would cancel your trip and not sure I would go to Trivia either but that's just me.

  4. Actually spraying drinking alcohol over your hands won't work as it is only 40% alcohol and your need about 70% for it to be effective. I didn't spontaneously know this. Hahaha. It was on the TV just yesterday.

  5. It's been crazy here at the stores. E found TP and wipes on Walmart.com thankfully. I ordered a 6-pack of Method gel soap refils that I probably paid too much for.


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