YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, March 27, 2020

Brighter Day

Brighter Days Ahead Quotes. QuotesGram

Another fun day here at Casa de Noce.  Friday's are the day I water my indoor plants and wind my antique mantle clock.  Routine is good at times like this.  The dishwasher got emptied and all the 'winter' coats were hung up and put away until next winter.  I also took the bandage off Luna's foot.  It looks so much better.  Now to try and keep her from licking every chance she gets.  The vet even called to check on her today.  How nice was that!

Hubby ran to the water and ice shop to fill our 2 gallon water bottles.  That keeps our water cooler happy for at least 2 weeks.  He also filled his car with gas (it was $2.09!) and then dropped off Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer at our son's house.  There was a package of wheat flour waiting there for him too.  He is back home now and watching the movie "Pearl Harbor".

Our big adventure today has been making our own hand sanitizer.  We were very lucky to find 91% rubbing alcohol and aloe vera gel in our last shopping excursion.   We will be able to make quite a bit of it with the amount we bought.  It was kind of fun making it.  It starts out looking very runny, but as it sits, it gels up perfectly.  Because of the hand sanitizing we are doing (washing hands and using the sanitizer) we are also using quite a bit of lotion to keep our skin from drying out.  Since our humidity here in the desert is non existent...........Yup, lotion is a biggie for us.    

I was going to sit outside today for a while but it is not very nice out.  Super windy and very cloudy.  Yesterday, I did manage to sit outside for almost 1/2 an hour before the sun decided to go behind the clouds and the wind came up.  It got a bit chilly.  Here are some photos from yesterday's outside knitting.

Enrique came out and joined me for the entire time I stayed out there.  He really is attached to me.

Luna came out but only stayed for about 15 minutes.  She is not as much of an outdoor dog as Enrique.  She prefers the soft couch in the temperature controlled house.  

The sky was so blue when I first went out.  It was amazing.

My view just before I went in.   It will be another 3 months before the pool will be warm enough to get in.  It is nice to sit and look at though.

One of the other bright spots of my day was talking to my lovely friend in Las Vegas.  They are self isolating there too.  She is my knitting buddy that introduced me to a wonderful LYS there in Vegas.  (Sin CIty Knits)  She is always so perky on the phone and can make me smile every time.  Thanks for the chit chat, Patricia!

I am also checking on one of my other best friends.  She is immune compromised and works full time at a Veterinarian's office.  She just told me they have had 4 people there come down with all the symptoms.  Only 1 of them is getting tested.  (Not everyone in AZ is being tested who has symptoms.  How weird is that?)  So they will know something in 3-5 days.  Until then she and I are praying she doesn't get it.  Anytime she gets sick it goes straight to her lungs.  Very scary, right?

Guess what I managed to do yesterday.  I worked on 2 of my WIP's!  Today, I want to concentrate on the High Effect Feather and Fan shawl.  It is about half completed.  That shawl is probably the easiest of my WIP's to work on while watching TV.  The other 2 shawls and hubby's socks all require me watching them closely.  

Tonight is meatless Lenten Friday.  The meal tonight will be Tex-Mex Migas.  I have never made it before but it sounds pretty good and fairly easy.

OK. I am signing off until Sunday when I do my Year of Projects update.  I hope and pray you are all well.  

Until next time......................happy crafting!

1 comment:

  1. Are the people in your friend's office who are sick staying home? People who have to work right now must feel like sitting ducks. Loving that pool. I'm surprised the water doesn't heat up until sometime in June! How long of a swimming season do you have then?


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