YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Image result for progress

It is another day of good progress on my goal to not stay glued to the news all day.  My goal is to spend the morning and most of the afternoon doing something that has long been neglected in my home.  Today's task was to empty each drawer and cupboard in my kitchen and clean all the shelves and drawers. All bottom cupboards and drawers have been completed.  Phew!  

Here is what got culled out of today's task.

I thought I had purged everything last year.  Guess not.  It is nice to have room in my drawers and cupboards.  I worked from 10am until 4pm today with an hour off for lunch and to rest my back.  I even cleaned out our 'junk' drawer!  That was the last thing I did before stopping.

Hubby has been an angel by picking up my prescription and going to 2 grocery stores.  We were in need of fresh fruits and veggies.  There seems to be a good supply of fresh food.  That makes me very happy.  I prefer fresh to canned or frozen.

I have a loaf of bread in the machine.  It should be done in about 45 minutes.  I was going to make banana bread but ran out of time.  Maybe tomorrow?

It has been a rainy day here.

This photo was just before the hail hit.  My dogs are not happy with this weather at all.  They are fine with just rain but the thunder and hail make them nuts.  It is supposed to continue until about 5am tomorrow.  Hopefully there will be a couple of windows of nothing so they can go outside to relieve themselves.  

It is time to pick up my knitting until we have dinner.  Tonight is leftovers.  We have enchilada casserole and corn beef and cabbage to choose from.  

OH!  I got a message that Trivia was going to happen tonight even though there is a mandate out of no more than 10 people to be together at a time.  Needless to say, hubby and I are not going to go.  I am happy as a little clam sitting at my house, watching Disney+ and knitting away on my WIPs.  My church canceled all it's public masses, meetings, confessions and today they closed the adoration chapel too.  And these guys are going to open their restaurant for one night so we can all go and eat, drink and have a few laughs?  Sorry, kind of upsets me that priorities are all messed up right now.

Another thing.................All of our grocery stores are hiring like crazy!  Not to mention Amazon is in need of folks real bad too.  So there are jobs out there in my neck of the woods.  If you need a job, they are there.  If you have a car, there are places looking for delivery drivers also.  

OK, I am getting off my soap box now.

I have a couple of chuckles for you today.........................we all could use a few of those, right?

This was a conversation I had with my Grand Daughter 9 yrs ago today.  She was 5 yrs old.

And this gem was from my daughter today.

Stay well my friends!

Until next time...................happy crafting!


  1. I dont know why it's interesting looking at other people's cast offs. I see some stuff in there I'd like! lol We have a new Amazon distribution site about 20 minutes from where we live, so I imagine they're hiring there, too. And groceries here are also hiring. I stopped in Kroger yesterday to buy raisins for my Irish Soda Bread and while it wasn't cleaned out, it was interesting to see areas that were. Canned veggies was the biggest empty space I noticed. I got in and out as quickly as I could, though. I did't spend time looking around just for the sake of looking around. I'm trying to take seriously the "15 Days to Slow the Spread" I have a sinking feeling, though we're going to be at this for longer than 15 days, though. Thankful that hubs is retired and it's fairly easy for us to do this social distancing.

  2. Same here in Georgia. Amazon, Kroger, Wal-Mart and other stores are hiring like crazy. I usually make it to the library a few times a month but it shut down a few days ago. I suppose fast food Windows will be shut down pretty soon also. I'm kinda enjoying the social distancing. Being home in front I the television and crafting is just fine.

  3. Yes, stay home. It was so crazy how ppl were partying at bars until governments had to order them shut.


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