YOP LIST 2023-2024

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Wednesday Works

Image result for wednesday work

Ah, a much more productive day, today.  First thing this morning I made another loaf of bread and while that was being made the dishwasher got emptied.  Hubby worked on cleaning up the office while I was doing that.  

This afternoon I could not help myself.....I started a new project.

Another "to the point" shawl for the prayer shawl ministry.  Even though the prayer shawl group is not meeting, the shawl are still being mailed out to patients.  We need to make sure the supply is still there for that reason.  I will need to contact the church to see if I can get some labels and tags to sew on it.  This shawl does not take long to make.  It should be completed sometime tomorrow.  It is one of the reasons I love doing this shawl.

My other main goal for today was to do pedicures on  my dogs.  They need to get this done on a regular basis.  From now until further notice, I will be cutting them twice a month.  This way their quicks will recede so their nails can be kept shorter.  No more click, click, click on my floors!

Luna was a dream to do.  She just laid in my arms and let me have at it.

She is now laying on her feet so I can not do that again.  She is calm during the clipping but it is still not her favorite thing to have done.  I think it is the noise.

Enrique ran as soon as he saw the clippers.  He finally came in and laid down by hubby.  My DH gently picked him up so I could clip his nails too.  

He is giving me some major stink eye now.  Hopefully, he will be more accepting of this over the next couple of months.  Wait until he finds out he is getting a bath tomorrow!  

It is nice and warm outside today.  So warm I even wore capris today. (82 right now)

Those white legs need to get some sunshine on them before they blind someone!  It feels good to be back in summer clothing again.

Tonight's dinner will be ham and scalloped potatoes.  It is from my "Cooking for Two" cookbook. 

The Ultimate Cookbook: Mr. Food Test Kitchen-The Ultimate Cooking ...

It is one of my favorite cookbooks.  Since there is only 2 of us in the house, this book has come in so handy.  Even though we have had an empty nest for 22 years, I still cook like there are 5 of us eating dinner.  

Just about time for the evening news to come on.  It is the only news I watch all day.  It is too depressing to watch it more than that.

Until next time.................happy crafting & stay well!


  1. That yarn is beautiful, Marsha! Can't wait to see another To The Point Shawl take shape. That look on Enrique is priceless - knowing what he's giving you that look about. lol

  2. You and me both about cooking for a large family! I still do it! But then again I can cook and it lasts so I don't have to cook every night like back in the day when they ate everything in sight! LOL!
    Oh, that was a dirty look from Enrique! LOL!
    I love your new shawl and yes....I need to get out the summer clothes too! Enjoy your day and stay well!

  3. Your dogs are so darn cute. And they have very expressive faces.

  4. Your dogs are good. We have to wrap Mortie up in a towel because she dislikes getting her nails clipped. She had accidentally scratched the tween whose scratches got infected and resulted in two trips to the pediatrician way before shelter-in-place had started.


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