YOP LIST 2023-2024

Sunday, April 26, 2020


After going back through my YOP blog posts, I discovered I went from week 38 to week 40.  Yet, I have never missed a week of posting.  Therefore, it has been determined, I am not to be allowed to be the official week keeper for the YOP group.  LOL  At the beginning of each YOP year, I make and label 52 folders for my photos.  Unfortunately, I put quite a few non YOP photos in week 39,  Hence, making me believe that week had past.  Since that time, I have labeled another photo folder NON-YOP so I no longer will get confused.  Dang, this blogging business can get quite complicated.

Anyway, let's see what I did this week, shall we?

I worked like crazy on my Bonset Shawl.  The lace bottom got completed, then the left sided short rows, also the right sided short rows and then on to the middle short rows.  KABOOM!  My count was waaaaay off at the end of the middle short rows.  Like by 100 stitches.  (Note to self: do not watch a LOL comedy movie when counting)  I double checked that count 3 times.  There was supposed to be 5 stitches on one side and 6 on the other.  I had 6 on one side and over 100 on the other.  Where had I gone so wrong.  It all started back to the first row of the middle short rows.  No problem, I will just tink back and start from there again.  Well, that was a grand plan until I realized I had 32 wrap and turn stitches that had been knitting during that time.  Having never done W&T before, I discovered I had a lot to learn about tinking those back to their original status.  But I persevered and here is where I am now:

It is in time out for a while.  What a mess of yarn barf I had when tinking back.  There was yarn unraveling from three different areas at once.  Oh my.  It might be time to find another pattern for this yarn.  It doesn't seem to want to play nice with Bonset.

That happened on Thursday.  Naturally I had to cast something else on to make up for the lost WIP.  What to make?  How about something very useful and also something that will help reduce some of my stash?

Hot off the needles (as of last night) is my kitchen towel.  I have attached this to the door of my stove.  I love draping a towel there but it always seems to end up on the floor.  The door handle is very smooth and my terry towels love to slip right off.  This will be perfect.  I wish I had made the tab a bit longer.  This is quite a tight fit and it has not been washed and dried yet.  Since I used Peaches and Cream, I know it is going to shrink a bit and I am worried it will not go back on the handle.  I may decided to take the bind off out and make that tab a bit longer yet today.  Now I will have someplace to wipe my hands other than my shirt when cooking on the stove.

The other WIP that saw love this week were hubby's socks.

The markers show where I was last week.  I am a bit over half way to the heel.  I will once again use the FKL heels on these.  Hubby seems to prefer it for the fit.  Fine with me, since it is one of the easiest heels I have ever done.  No gusset stitches to pick up and no holes!

I tried my hand at another craft this week.  Thanks to my daughter, I was gifted with several projects to try my hand at..............again.  I used to do this craft all the time until my RA decided to take over my left hand and caused quite a bit of pain for me.  Now that my hand has been reshaped (thank you RA) I decided to see if I could pick up this craft again and still do it.

My lovely daughter brought over 4 cross stitch projects and a Jim Shore sewing project for me to work on.  What?  You only see 3 cross stitch projects and the Jim Shore kit?  Oh, my bad.

That is because I already completed one of the cross stitch projects!  I am so happy.  Once again I can pick up a needle and thread and make some prettys.  Can you guess which one I started next?

The humming birds, of course.  It has been almost 20 years since I have done any counted cross stitch.  In fact, I gave all my supplies to my mom and then when she passed away, I sold them at her estate sale.  

There is another cross stitch my daughter has that I want soooo bad.  It is one I bought years ago and gave to a friend to make for me.  She asked me to make her a Jane Austin shawl in exchange for her doing the cross stitch.  I made the shawl and sent it to her.  She never made the cross stitch and sent it to my daughter to do for me.  Needless to say, daughter has not touched it either.  Now she is in the process of looking for said cross stitch so I can finally work on it and get it framed and hung in my craft room.  It is a cross stitch of the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus.  It is quite unique as Mary is in a red dress.  Not something you see everyday.  Hopefully she will find it soon.

That completes the craftiness for this week.  In other news:  The weather here has gone crazy.  We are running 20 degrees above normal!  I already have my A/C running.  Normally we can almost go until the first of June before that happens.  We are supposed to hit 102F today and continue to climb all week!  Last year we hit 100 on this day and then dropped back into the 70's and 80's for the next 3 weeks.  THAT is normal for us.  Hopefully the pool will be warm enough by the end of the week for me to hop in and do some water aerobics.  The water temp says 79, but it sure does feel colder than that.  Hopefully the thermometer is correct.  Might buy a new one to double check.  They do eventually wear out.

Getting ready to watch church on TV and then have a nice relaxing day planned......NOT!  I plan on doing 2 loads of laundry, trying my hand at a sourdough starter again, making some jar salads for lunches and working on my knitting and cross stitching.

What do you have planned for today?

Until Next Time................Happy Crafting & Stay Well!

PS:  Is everyone still under a stay at home order?  Have there been any restrictions lifted in your area?  Our stay at home order expires on April 30.  Will be interesting to see if it is extended or lifted with certain restrictions.


  1. It will be fun watching your cross stitching, Marsha. I know when I picked it back up (sometime last year?) I was surprised both at how much I enjoyed it again, but how changed my eyes are. Your Bonset Shawl experience sounded painful, but you gave me a good laugh with the progress picture. :) Keep cool, friend!

  2. Lovely cross stitch kits. Can't wait to see them. I can't imagine tinking back all those wrap and turns. I have learned that some patterns need all my attention - no comedies, no sub-titles, no deep, dark mysteries that need my attention. This is why socks - simple vanilla socks are the answer for tv watching for sure.

  3. Well ‘Joy to the World’ definitely seems apt at the moment doesn’t it, so I can see why that one was done first, whether consciously or subconsciously. The other kits look lovely. I love hummingbirds, in Costa Rica we saw sooooo many different varieties and their colours were so beautiful. I saw some in Michigan and Washington too, it’s a shame they aren’t in the UK.

  4. So sorry about your Bonset but so happy about your cross stitch!!! YOu really got a lot done on them too! The socks are looking good and the towel is darling! What pattern is it? Towels would be a nice gift too. So glad your hand is allowing you to cross-stitch. I don't think we ever had stay at home orders in our state but I stay home anyway. IT really hasn't changed my life except I do Pickup at Walmart now instead of going inside and shopping. Although they do have special hours for seniors in the morning for seniors only shopping but I just do the pickup. I have not had a problem and they always choose the best produce too. I highly recommend! I had a busy day too with laundry and more but I did manage to do some cross stitch in the afternoon and watch some podcasts. You should watch some Stitch Maynia podcasts to see what everyone is stitching. It's fun! Have a good week and stay well!

  5. CA is extended to the end of May right now. Your WIPS are looking good. Your frogged yarn looks like what I used to make my Blueberry Waffle socks.

  6. I tried counted cross stitch many many years ago. My eyes just couldn't handle it. But I love the look of the finished projects.

  7. Your cross stitch is lovely. Sorry about the shawl.


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