YOP LIST 2023-2024

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Not Crabby

Not crabby today Art Print by thesketchnook | Society6

Yesterday, I was crabby and out of sorts.  Tears were so close to falling, but I refused to let them leak out.  There really wasn't anything I could put my finger on that caused this feeling.  It was 'just one of those days'. What a difference a day can make.  I woke up this morning full of sunshine and happiness.  Actually, that is my normal personality.  Very seldom am I angry, upset, sad or even crabby.  I am surprised my husband didn't notice either.  I was VERY quiet (also not normal LOL) and really didn't communicate much all day.  Hmmmmm.......maybe he was crabby and out of sorts too!  

I did go to the grocery store yesterday.  The store I went to is not my normal store.  How happy I was I went to this other store.  I was able to find everything on my list and even found TOILET PAPER there!  We didn't need TP so I didn't buy it but, it was there.  They also had paper towels!  Amazing!  This store serves a community that is mostly comprised of our winter visitors.  Since 99% of the winter visitors have left to go home, the store was pretty deserted and full of supplies.  I was able to get pasta, pasta sauce, flour and aloe vera gel.  All things that had been on my list for over a month.  There was even Ramen on the shelves. (I did not buy that either)   AMAZING!

That was the highlight of my day.  Other than that I worked on some crafts and just kept to myself for the day.

Today, hubby cleaned half of the house and I moved stuff in and out of rooms so he could do a good deep cleaning.  I also got to watch a movie on Disney+.  I had never seen "The Game Plan".  It was such a cute movie and made me smile.  While watching the movie I also worked on my Bonset shawl.  That did not make me smile.  Somehow, I missed counted on my third set of short rows and did not catch it until I was about 12 rows beyond the boo boo.  I tried to tink back to the mistake area but.............with the wrap and turns, short rows, and also the lace, I ended up with the biggest mess of yarn barf every.  Here is where I am at now.

Yup, I finally gave up and just frogged the entire thing.  I think I will let this sit in time out for a while and concentrate on other items which are going nicely.  Even this disaster has not dampened my mood.  See?  I really do not let stuff normally 'get' to me.

Oh!  Last night I made Coconut Shrimp from scratch.  It turned out so good.  Hubby loved it and also loved the sauce I made to dip it into.  I am a big fan of Skinnytaste recipes.  This one came from her Air Fryer cookbook.   She has a baked version on her website too.  Since we are getting ready to hit 100 degrees, the air fryer is my go to appliance now.  

Tonight is the NFL draft.  (We are big football fans)  We decided we will be doing take out from one of our local restaurants to help support them and give me a day off from cooking. They are having a wings special tonight.  (Buy 10 get 10 free)  There may be some jalapeno poppers made (by me) to go with those.  (Another air fryer recipe)  The draft will go on for several hours.  That will give me lots of time to work on one of my ongoing WIP's.  

Since we all can use some sweetness in our lives:

May I introduce you to Sir Nick Furry.  (If you are an Avenger's fan you get it).  This is our newest Grand Dog.  He lives in Port Orchard, Washington with our oldest son.  Isn't he just the cutest.  He is 1/2 dachshund and 1/2 Chihuahua.  (Just like my Enrique)  Love those ears.

And to give you a little chuckle for today.....................Maxine.............My hero!

Until next time..............happy crafting & stay well!  


  1. Glad you're happier. Cute doggie, the ears! I love that comic series; she is hilarious. Coconut shrimp sounds delicious.

  2. I'm like you...rarely am I 'out of sorts' and so glad you are feeling better today. Sorry about your shawl frog but we are alike that way too. Frogging doesn't really bother me. I think I got very used to it when I was learning how to knit! LOL! What a find for you at that store! I noticed in my Walmart order I was able to get a lot more this time. That dog is so cute! I could see my little Annie...the miniature dachshund in him and yes, the ears are a hoot!
    Stay well and stay safe!

  3. Maxine is a hoot. These days I tend to wake up tireder than I went to bed. We probably need a new bed, but I think our upside down schedule during this lockdown has a lot to do with it, too.

  4. Funny. I have had some teary feelings myself. I think it would be cured by a few good hugs from my kids.
    But that is not to be in the area where I live just now. I will be so glad to see this Covid-19 virus recede for a bit.


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