YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Week 5 of Year 10

Well, hello there.  How is your day going?  Mine is doing just fine.  Hubby and I got up at dark o'thirty so we could go to 7am Mass. When we got out of Mass we noticed there is a very weird yellow tinge outside today.  If I was in Kansas, I would be in fear of a tornado coming.  We are not in the midst of a dust storm.  In fact there is not even a hint of a breeze out there.  So strange.

This past week was also a strange one for us.  Hubby's sister was with us until Wednesday.  While she was here, I did not spend much time working on any projects.  However, I did start a new project last Sunday afternoon.

Wolf Lichen

I was hoping to have completed it before I posted my blog.  Alas, I am about 5 rows away from it being completed.  It also needs blocking as there is quite a bit of lace that needs to open up.  It is a fun knit.  It took me quite a while to figure out the chart.

This chart is only for 1/2 of the shawl.  You work it from right to left for the first part of the shawl and then right to left for the second half of the shawl.  I have never encountered a chart like this.  I was so confused.  Lucky for me, I read everyone's project notes and it was explained in there by one person.  Once I got the explanation, I was able to just run with it.

I did not work on any other project this week.  BUT................I did obtain 2 new patterns this week.  I now have Havana Afghan and Indiana Afghan.  The Havana has been on my wish list every since I saw Maria make a couple of them.  The Indiana has some great patterning in it that can be used for more than just an afghan. They both are a style of crochet I have never done and am anxious to give it a try.  

Friday night, the family went to Organ Stop to have our family celebration of our Grand Daughter's 15th birthday.

Don't you love the cow masks?  I made those and they love the fact they all match.  Then there is the weirdo in the back with a tractor mask on.  Hi Hubby!

This was the best place we have been that practiced social distancing and sanitizing.  Their napkin holders are no longer on the table but are sanitized and placed in a cupboard until you are seated.  You are required to wear your mask at all times unless you are seated at your table.  There are hand sanitizing stations throughout the place.   If you want to request any songs to be played by the organist, you need to have an employee write it down for you and give it to the organist. (for his protection)  I was most comfortable there.

Yesterday (August 1) was Josie's actual birthday.  She decided to throw an 80's bday party.  She said the party was so much fun.  There were 4 teen girls and they swam and played games and watched "breakfast club" while swimming in the pool.  Here is a photo of her and her BFF getting ready for the festivities to begin.

Josie is the one in black.  She and her mom have spent the past month getting prepared for this day.  They made cake pops, made party favor boxes filled with fishnet fingerless gloves, neon water cups and popcorn containers.  They had 80's movies lined up to watch and 80's music to be played.   They made a giant rubics cube.
There was also a boom box made out of cardboard boxes.  They were so creative.

Hubby and I are kicking back right now.  Trying to recover from the 5am alarm that went off.  We are keeping our eye on the splashdown of SpaceX Dragon Crew.  

My goal for today is to complete the shawl and then read the instructions for the Havana Afghan.  Supposedly, it does well with left over worsted weight yarn.  I have quite a bit of leftovers and would love to use them up.  Fingers crossed my brain will be able to process how it is made.

If you have not joined our YOP group yet, please come on over and join us.  We are a great group of crafters who enjoy talking about our crafts and fun events in our lives.  Here is the link.  

Until Next Time........................Happy Crafting & Stay Well!!!!!!


  1. We just finished watching the splashdown too. Yikes, you did have an early start, but I guess the early Mass means fewer people. We use to have an Orga Grinder restaurant in Vancouver but it closed many years ago. We went there often. It was sooooo much fun. I love the cow masks - you crazy kids you.

    I hope you figure out what the eerie light was all about - I definitely want tornados staying away from you - you have enough to deal with the virus!

  2. It sounds like your grand had a great birthday! Love the masks and so glad you were all able to celebrate with her. Love your new shawl...the yarn is gorgeous. Good luck on your 2 new ventures, They look like they would be heavy but so pretty and using up stash? Maybe I should make one too! LOL! I forgot about the Dragon landing, I hope it went alright and did you ever find out what the yellow sky was all about? Stay safe and stay well!

  3. That rubix looks so cool and what fun party decor. Do you have to sign up for mass since there has to be physical distancing?

  4. I love the matching masks...seems like everyone should have ordered some milkshakes to be on theme 😀. I love 80s music still and that’s my go to radio station and I still know all the words. I had lots of neon clothes, big skirts and big permed hair. I also loved all those John Hughes movies like He Breakfast Club and still have a Blu-ray copy. Sounds like it would have been a fun party. With Havana colour picking she has a video on YouTube where she lays out 2 rows of coloured yarns and you are making sure that the ones next to each other and opposite each other have a nice contrast. It looks like she’s on a rooftop in Havana when she’s recording it. It is taking every once of willpower I have not to buy yarn for it yet. So many gorgeous colour possibilities.

  5. What a fabulous party? It sounds just the ticket and looks great from beginning to end. Wolf lichen looks gorgeous, I'm glad you worked out the chart.

  6. Your Wolf Lichen looks like a beautiful stitch. I look forward to seeing the whole thing! I'm also looking forward to your new Mosaic blankets. Maria's were truly beautiful, and I imagine these would be a great way to use up some yarn stash. The cow masks are terrific! It looks like your granddaughter had a wonderful birthday. That rubik's cube is great. :)

  7. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! I have a project with a chart like that too - it definitely took me a while to figure out!


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