YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, August 27, 2020

 Early Morning Post - Home | Facebook

It is pretty early on Thursday morning.  Not even 7am yet.  The house is quiet as hubby is still asleep and the dogs have already eaten breakfast and are now taking their morning nap.  I wanted to post yesterday, but the day got away from me.  It must have been because of how nice my house feels now LOL.

I had told you on Tuesday, I would let you know how the cheesecake turned out this time.  OH MY GOODNESS!  It was fabulous!

Here is the slice I had before I devoured it.  It did taste like cheesecake.  Hubby was very happy with it also.  The only substitute I made was changing out the sour cream and using fat free greek yogurt instead.  Otherwise, I followed this recipe exactly.  If you have an instant pot of any kind, this is the dessert for you to try in it.

For dinner last night, I made carnitas in the Ninja Foodi.  It started on the pressure cooker setting then went to the sear setting and finally to the broil setting.  Total time for dinner to cook, 1 hours total from the time I dropped the meat into the machine until I plated it.

I added sour cream and homemade salsa on top of mine.  I have tried so many recipes for carnitas and have always been greatly disappointed.  This recipe was in the cookbook that came with the machine.  It was spot on!  Hubby was happy with this too.  The left overs will be reheated in a skillet and I will add eggs to it and make breakfast burritos for us.  

Today my goal is to clip my dog's toenails.  It is a struggle but needs to be done.  Their nails grow faster than mine.  I also want to boil up some eggs.  All of our stores have had them on sale lately so I have about 3 dozen in the fridge now.  There will also be a load laundry done today.

Speaking of laundry..............on Tuesday, after our A/C tech left, hubby was putting a few things away that had been borrowed by the tech. (extension cords)  While doing that, he knocked over a full gallon bottle of lemon scented Pine-Sol.  The lid popped off and spilled all over the floor in our Arizona room.  Luckily, that is the room where I keep our pool towels.  I handed him towels as he mopped up the floor.  Three towels later, he got it all mopped up.  He was angry with himself for being so clumsy.  I told him it was not a big deal and that the smell of lemons was much more pleasant than the smell of 'regular' Pine-Sol.  I threw the towels into the washer (without any detergent added) and washed them.  My washer smelled like lemons afterwards.  I left the washer door open, after they were washed, to try and air it out a bit.  The towels do not smell like lemons anymore, and as of this morning, the washing machine does not have the lemon smell either. The Arizona room still has that lemon fresh scent to it though.  LOL

Hubby just woke up so I can start getting my 'chores' done now.  

Until next time.................happy crafting & stay well.

1 comment:

  1. A lemon scented Arizona room sounds great! WOuld Ic all my porch an Arkansas room? I know they have Florida rooms in Florida too. LOL! The carnitas look good!


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