YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, August 9, 2020


Happy Sunday everyone.  How is the day treating you so far?  Once again, hubby and I were up at 5am so we could attend 7am Mass.  Now we have the whole day ahead of us to do what we want.  👍

Let's talk about the past weeks crafting pursuits.  I do not have any finished items this week unless you count these.

A couple more face masks for hubby and myself.  

I did start another project this week.

Not much was done on it.  This will be the Madonna and Child counted cross stitch I purchased a couple of months ago.  It is going to be a long term project.  Look at the stitch guide.

There are 31 different colors used in this project as well as beads.  Yup, long term project.

To be truthful, I actually started 2 new projects this week.

The Havana afghan has been started.  I have added extra stitches to it since this is being made to go on a twin bed.  This has been on my wish list for over a year.  I am using one color for the base (navy) and then have 7 other colors to accent it.  It is super addictive to work on.  Instead of doing the crochet border I choose to do the twisted braided fringe.

The yarn being used is "I Love This Yarn" from Hobby Lobby.  It wears so well and is not a scratchy acrylic like many can be.  I had 3.5 skeins in my stash that I am able to use for the blanket.  Unfortunately for me, 80% of my stash is fingering weight yarn.  I tried a swatch with fingering weight and realized it would take me YEARS to complete a blanket the size I wanted.  So, worsted weight is what I choose to use.  Since most of my worsted weight has been used up in prayer shawls, I was forced to purchase yarn for this project.  

I did work on hubby's socks a bit this week.

The needle is where I left off last week.  I need to catch the other sock up to this one.  I did decide to do the Hermiones Everyday pattern.  It makes for good TV watching knitting.

I also got my Wolf Lichen shawlette blocked.

It is now in my closet waiting for a chance to wear it.  

Someone got new glasses this week.

She was so excited.................she can see real good now LOL.  Her dad continues to take her out, a couple times each week, and works on her driving.  He thinks she will be a pretty good driver by the time she gets her license.  

As for my other grandchildren.....................I just informed their parents I was in need of photos of them.  We have not seen any of them since May 2019!  With the way things are going it may be middle of next year before we will be doing any long distance traveling.  This virus needs to take a hike!  

Until Next Time................................Happy Crafting & Stay Well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Your granddaughter looks terrific in those new glasses!! It was a mask making week for me too.

  2. Another Havana! Love the colours of yours! Hubbies socks look fab and your granddaughter looks great in those glasses.

  3. Great Post. I love the Havana - I think I will have to try this - it looks intriguing. The glasses are cute!! and yes, nag those children to send updated pics - for all of us! Have a great week.

  4. Oooh! That twisted braid finish on the ends looks pretty cool. I hadn't imagined that as a way to finish this blanket. Looking' good, Marsha! And so is your granddaughter. What a cutie. Is it hard to believe she's learning to drive?

  5. I have been feeling bad about my comment earlier in the week about yarn for Havana, so I apologise. I absolutely love the twisted edge you’ve done and having done the small sample I have found the border is pretty bulky and way thicker than the blanket itself, I also like the fact you are doing it as you go, as once you get to the end you are finished and from the comments I have been reading it seems like the border can take weeks to finish. I really like the single colour background of the navy blue as well, it is making the colours really stand out. It is definitely an addictive process. I’ve ordered a metal hook to continue my sample with, to see if that stops the squeak of the acrylic against my bamboo hook. My dad usually gives me a cheque at Christmas and I’ll be spending it on my Havana yarn, then it will hold more sentimental value as well...and will help me resist buying yarn before then. In the meantime I am Very excited to see yours progress.

  6. Those glasses are really attractive on your granddaughter! She's such a pretty girl too. Masks definitely count for projects! That cross-stitch is going to be beautiful. You started the Havana afghan!!! it's going to be gorgeous! Just look at those colors! I like the braided ends too. Hubby's socks are great looking too. I adore that Wolf Lichen shawlette. It is stunning!

  7. Your new afghan is comin out awesome! Love it. I want to start my new cross stitch but need to finish off that little cottage one first.

  8. You have been so productive this week. The braid border is very clever.


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