YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

wednesday nights - Bethel Baptist Church 

Here we are in the middle of the week.  It is the only day this week I did not have something on my calendar.  So what do you do when you don't have any appointments scheduled for the day? 

You get into your kitchen and start going through all your cabinets and drawers and purging....again.  I do this about 2-3 times a year.  It is amazing how many things I keep holding onto thinking I will use it in the near future.  This time, I was quite critical and got rid of several cooking utensils as well as a couple of quart canning jars, a crockpot, old bread maker, rice cooker and electric skillet.  Hubby took all of it to GoodWill for me while he ran another errand.  Then I spent time straighten and rearranging drawers and cabinets to make things more user friendly.  I am sure when I clean out the kitchen at the end of the year, I will find even more things to purge.  

After the purge was done, I threw a chicken breast into the Ninja Foodi and cooked it for tonight's dinner of Chicken Waldorf salad.  That only took 8 minutes to complete.  It has been cut up and is in the fridge cooling so I can mix it all together.  When that was done I got the sink scrubbed up real good and then I threw in a load of towels into the washing machine.  They are now in the dryer.   That completes my 'to do' list for the day.

It is now time to kick back and start working on one of my WIPs.  

This has been has seen the most attention lately.  Hubby's socks.  It is still too darn hot to work on anything that needs to lay on my lap.  Hopefully, once our A/C is fixed and the house humidity level goes down, I will be able to work on my Havana blanket again.  

Last night I made Pozole for the first time ever.  It was made on the pressure cooking feature of the Ninja.  It was fantastic!  We had just enough left over for lunch today too.  That meal will be placed on our 'love it' list.  I made ours with pork.  Some people use chicken.  It only took about an hour from start to finish to make it.  That includes sauteing the onions and garlic and braising the pork a little.  That was all done in the Ninja too.  Only one pot to clean up is my idea of a perfect meal!  

Is anyone else having the urge to cast on something or even LOTS of somethings?  I am wanting to cast on another shawl.  I know, I have plenty of WIP's as it is.  It is just an urge I am trying very hard to resist.  There is cotton yarn wanting me to cast on another dishcloth too.  The temptation is strong.  I will resist..................................for now.

Did I tell you we got some rain the other night?  Yes sirree Bob!  Monday evening we got lots of wind, lightening, thunder and rain.  It was not a lot of rain but it was enough to make drop our temps a little bit for the evening.  That was the first rain of this years monsoon.  Hopefully it will not be the last.  

That is all the news from this lady.  I am off to fold towels and then will knit on the socks for a little bit.

Until next time...................happy crafting & stay well.

1 comment:

  1. I don't purge that often -- and I really should. It's one more thing I am putting off for retirement!
    I always want to cast on. Casting on must release Dopamine or something because it's like chocolate -- I can't get enough!


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