YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, August 30, 2020



Hello and happy Sunday to all of you.  I hope this past week has been good to all of you.  Those of you who were in the way of Hurricane Laura, I pray you made it through without personal harm.

This past week was not a productive week for this lady.  I do not know what happened, but there were actual days WITHOUT any knitting or crocheting.  Some of it might be the weather.  We have been over 110F for 50 days now.  That is a new record for us.  Not one I would care to repeat again though.  This heat just drains me.  Even though we have A/C, I still need to step outside from time to time to get groceries, get the mail and take out trash and recyclable items.  It is just plain HOT!  Even after the sun goes down.  Then it is dark and hot lol.

Here is a look at what I did manage to do.

Hubby's socks are moving along.  Each sock got 20 rows added to it.  They are still not to the point of starting the heel.  Maybe I will make it there this week.

The Havana blanket got it's seventh color added to it yesterday.  From here on, I will just repeat the colors until I get to the length I want.  This is a very addictive crochet project.  Unfortunately, it is also extremely warm to have on my lap.  Usually I can add a couple of rows before I start melting.  

Since I have learned how to do Mosaic crochet now, I am already planning the colors for the next blanket I am planning on making.  It will be a different design than this one and uses a bit of a different technique for it.  Same designer though, so I should not have any issues following her charts and instructions.

So that is all for my crafting this past week.  Pitiful, right?  LOL  

Good news!!!!!!!!!!  We finally got some rain last night.  And by rain, I mean it poured at our house for quite a while.  It dropped the temperature from 105 to 70 degrees in about 15 minutes.  Of course it raised the humidity from 12% to 89% LOL.  We even had thunder and lightening with the rain storm.  What a blessing.  There is a prediction of more rain coming our way this evening too. 

For those of you who do not follow me during the week, I have to show you this.

This is a cheesecake I made in my Ninja Foodi pressure cooker.  It is awesome and so easy.  There is a catch though.  You need to know 24 hours ahead of time you want to eat cheesecake.  But, the mixing and cooking time is only about an hour total.  Then there is the 3 hour cooling at room temperature and then in the fridge for overnight.  Hubby was thrilled with it too.

I also made carnitas in it and was super impressed with how easy it was not to mention the short amount of time it took.  Hubby had made carnitas on his grill a few weeks back and it took 3-4 hours.  I made them in the Foodi and it took 1 hour total.  I think I have found my new favorite appliance.  

Ninja Foodi 8-qt. 9-in-1 Deluxe Xl Pressure Cooker & Air Fryer | Airfryersi

We have air fried in it also.  I want to try making rice in it soon as well as steaming veggies.  

So, that is all for me today.  This coming week, Luna has an appointment for a dental as well as having a lipoma removed from her left flank.  She will need to be watched for a few days afterwards to make sure she does not bother her incision.  Our new vet does not like to put dogs in cones (I hate those things too) and neither does she want to put any kind of wrap on the incision.  She suggested getting a baby onsie for her to wear at night and just watch her during the day.

Custom Baby Onesies - Personalized Baby Clothes | Toronto Tees

I will be measuring her from base of neck to bum to determine what size she will need.  I will also be cutting a tail hole as well as redesigning the bottom part of it so she can wear it when she goes outside to do her 'business'.

Until Next Time....................Happy Crafting & Stay Well!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I feel your pain with the heat, I hate it and we don't have a/c, luckily we don't have the oppressive heat for along as you have! Hubby's socks are coming along nicely.

  2. Oh my goodness... I can't imagine that kind of heat for that many days. Truthfully, I can't quite imagine 110 degrees at all! Your Havana is really coming along! I love all the colors you've chosen. I hope Luna does well with surgery and healing up afterward. Poor little thing - the indignations dogs have to go through sometimes... It's a good thing their love is unconditional. :)

  3. But it's a dry heat! LOL! It's either hot and dry or hot and humid....either way, it is hot and miserable! I am so glad fall is here
    Already the temps are dropping and we've had rain which is such a relief. YOu did a lot on hubby's socks....and on 2. I didn't get that much done on 1 sock! LOL! Your Havanna is stunning! I can't wait to see the next design. I need to use my Insta Pot...I still haven't tried it. I may try chicken stock in it today as I didn't get it made yesterday. Enjoy that cheesecake....yum! Now I want to make one. Stay cool and well!

  4. I really do love those colours on your Havana, I can’t do too much in one go as I’m not yet used to crocheting and so I do get some sore muscles on my forearm from it, but I have started the 2nd repeat of the first section and already itching to start the next section. I have been following your almost daily posts so have been amazed at what your ninja toy is capable of. I can tell you that in 24 hrs or 48 hrs time my husband would love to eat cheesecake, it’s one of his favourite desserts. Luna in a onesie sounds a lot more fun than the cone of shame, best of luck with her surgery.

  5. Cheesecake in a pressure cooker? Wow. who knew? Not me, clearly. Oh my sooooo hot where you are, and here I have been so cold for two days and absolutely refusing to put on the furnace. I hope we get a bit more warmth before fall truly sets in. I can imagine that havana is pretty warm to have on your lap, best to stick to your hubbies socks until the heat lets up.

  6. I don't know how you stand the heat. While my husband wants to move to Florida (for the lower taxes) I've made it clear that I'll never tolerate the heat and humidity so at least I will be spending summers in Ohio thank you very much.

  7. We'd love some rain here in our state. There are around 28 fires burning all over. Thankfully the one nearest us is over 70% contained and had headed in the other direction away from us.


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