YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, August 17, 2020

Hey Y'all

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How y'all doing today?  Me and Mine are doing pretty darn good.  Hubby's car got taken to the dealership today for a factory recall.  It took several hours but it is all done now.  So glad Toyota is so good about letting it's owners know about recalls.

That means we kind of slowed down what we normally do on a Monday.  I did manage to do 1 load of laundry and cleaned out the fridge.  Hubby watered the outdoor plants and got some swimming pool issues resolved (and the defective part was under warranty!)  

I also HAD to make a loaf of bread today because..........................

I got a new bread machine today.  My last one was slowing going downhill.  Half of the bread would be quite dark and the other half barely browned.  It was grinding as it would mix the ingredients together.  And the grinding noise was almost as bad as fingernails on a blackboard. (Hopefully you are old enough to remember that sound.  If not........Watch Sister Act 2)  When I ordered this, I was told delivery wouldn't be until the 27th of this month.  To say I was a bit surprised to get this today would be an understatement.  I wanted to make a loaf of bread right away to make sure it worked.  It does.  My loaf turned out very nice and evenly browned.  There is no grinding sound either.  It still makes noise because it is a machine but it is not ear splitting.

Enrique got a treasure in the mail today too.

This is a slow feeding bowl.  Enrique eats all of his food in less than 2 minutes!  This is one of the reasons he is a bit over weight.  This should slow him down a bit.  I tried putting a small upside down bowl in his 'normal' food bowl but he managed to push the little bowl out of the food bowl!  Don't tell me my dog is not smart.  The new bowl will take it's maiden voyage tonight for his dinner feeding.  Fingers crossed this helps slow him down.

We are now all settled in for the rest of the afternoon/evening.  I just had a little mid afternoon snack.

What a lovely nectarine.  They are one of my favorite fruits to snack on.  Black plums are my other favorite and I have several of those in the fridge too.  BTW......the nectarine was quite yummy.  I ate it before I started typing.  No sticky keys for me.

Tonight I am making ham and cheese hot pockets from scratch.  They are cooked in the air fryer and use a 2 ingredient dough for the outside crust.  

Today was the first day of school for Josie.

It sure looks different than all the other 'first day of school' photos.  This will continue until September 8th and then the school will reassess and see if in person learning will be possible.

Our A/C people are coming out tomorrow morning.  They were here a week ago.  Hubby told them our in house humidity was pretty high (45-54%).  With the outdoor humidity only being 10% we felt this was a little odd.  The person that worked on the unit said he fixed it so the level would be much better.  Really?  We are now running 48-51%.  No wonder I am always feeling hot and sticky!  We are supposed to be running around 35% max!  UGH!  Hopefully we will have someone tomorrow who knows what they are doing.

Time for me to sign off and work on some knitting.  It is too hot to work on the Havana blanket.  Hubby's socks will get love today.

Until next time...............happy crafting & stay well.


  1. Whoo hoo! That bread machine is a beauty. :) I hope you get the humidity fixed in your house. That sounds pretty uncomfortable to me. And that's from hot and humid Indiana.

  2. We've been having a heatwave here. Our house was 85° when we came home Saturday evening and it was 91° out past 6pm. My kids start next Wednesday.


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