YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, July 26, 2020


Hello again.  Once again, I am here to update y'all on my past week's progress in my crafting and a little in my personal life.

First off, I have another FO!

I started and completed the To The Point shawl this week.  This will be going to the Prayer Shawl ministry at church.  I just found out they have started mailing prayer packets out again.  We had stopped for a while because of Covid 19.  

My Sock Scrap Granny Stripe blanket is coming along too.

Can you see the little owl progress keeper?  The part above it is what I have completed in the past 2 weeks.  It is going to be my long term project this year.  It is good TV watching crochet.  Unfortunately, it is starting to get big enough where my lap gets a bit toasty with it laying on it.  This is a great way to use up all those dribs and drabs of sock yarn I have hanging around.

Speaking of socks........................

I started another pair for the knit worthy husband.  I have not decided which pattern I will be using yet.  I am still leaning towards the Hermione Everyday Socks.  Although, hubby really liked the 3X1 ribbed pattern I used on his last socks.  I still another half inch to go on the cuff before a decision needs to be made.

That is all for my crafting this week.  It was a slow week.  My sister in law came back to our house on Tuesday.  That meant I have spent a lot of time just enjoying her company.  There was a trip to Costco, menu planning, grocery shopping, swimming, playing games, and working on perfecting SIL's crocheting skills.  It has been so nice to have her here.  I am going to miss her when she leaves this week.

When we were doing making the menus for the next 10 days, I let SIL pick out the recipes she would like me to make until she leaves.  She chose some wonderful recipes and I am looking forward to making them.  Tonight is chicken and white bean enchiladas.  YUM!  Last night was bacon wrapped jalapeno poppers and hot wings.  It is fun to have someone else choose recipes for me to make.  

My favorite job this week was doing my Grand Daughter's hair for her play performance.  The Chandler Youth Theater is performing "Beauty and the Beast Jr".  Needless to say, they are not doing live performances.  Rather, they are video taping the performance and then putting it on YouTube for us to watch.  Here she is in her 'Napkin Girl" costume.

She is part of the ensemble.  Her other ensemble part was the 'silly girls'.  She has really enjoyed doing this.  Of course, you can not see the curls in her hair with this photo.  Trust me, she has large ringlets going down her back.  I am still getting used to her 'brunette' hair.  She loves it but I miss her gorgeous naturally blonde hair.  Oh, Well...................I'm just the Mimi.  LOL

Her next play will be 'The Adams Family'.  She is looking forward to the try outs.  She asked me what role I thought she should try out for and I told her.....................Cousin It!  I got a dirty look from her for that one LOL.

Hubby and I went to 7 AM Mass this morning.  Afterwards, we went to our local carry out Mexican place and got breakfast burritos for all of us.  SIL just finished making hotel reservations for her stay in Las Vegas.  Now we are kicking back and watching "Solo:A Star Wars Story" on Disney +.  I will be grabbing some handiwork after I post this.  So.................

Until Next Time.......................Happy Crafting & Stay Well!!!!!!!!!


  1. That's great progress on the sockghan. I have started balling up small bits of left over yarn and maybe one day I'll have enough to make something fun out of them. Meanwhile they are livening up a large vase in my craft room.
    And with another finish too, you are certainly productive this year.
    Those recipes sound great and I'm glad that her trip has been such a success. Wishing your granddaughter much success in her stage career!

  2. I am super fond of ribbed socks for myself. Probably because I have wide feet and they are guaranteed to fit. I have yet to knit the Hermione socks tho I love seeing them when they pop up on my feed. Either way having a knit worthy husband is important!

    Also how cute is your grand daughter? And clever with the napkin girl outfit. A friend is a director on the local theatre scene and she bemoans public! o.0 auditions. Apparently some directors are requesting in person ones. Can you just imagine?

  3. Hi Marsha :)) Your granddaughter's napkin outfit is so cute! It's nice that she's so interested in drama and theater, I hope she does well with it! Yey for socks on the needles! :) I love the owl progress keeper! And your sister in law sure did pick some yummy sounding meals!!!

  4. It sounds like you've had another busy, engaging, and fun week with your SIL and your granddaughter. How sweet of you to let your SIL pick out the recipes. She picked out some good ones! Your shawl is gorgeous. I love the white edging on it. Your socks are farther along than mine! LOL!
    I wish I had enough leftover sock yarn to do a GRany Stripe blanket. I love yours!
    The picture of your granddaughter is precious. I used to be involved in plays when I was in high school and I loved it.
    Take care and stay safe!

  5. The Hermione’s everyday socks is just such a great pattern, so easy to do and keep track of the rows but vanilla enough to make it easy and not need much concentration. I thought your owl was a polar bear at first...must be because I saw polar bears this week, but when I zoomed in I saw the cute owl marker. Arizona has been making our news reports again with the highest Covid daily deaths in the US yesterday, so I must admit I’m anxious hearing you being out and about and not isolating. I hope you are yours stay safe.

  6. I love your granny stripe blanket! I will be starting one as soon as I complete my mitered square wrap! Seeing other's projects is motivating me to keep plugging along on my wrap so I can start the crochet project with the remainder of my sock scraps!

  7. Hey Marsha :) Thanks for your comment on my blog! The neighbour who told me about the blueberry fields said that after the harvest is finished there are still lots of blueberries for the picking and the locals all flock over there to get what's left when the company leaves for the season. He said the machines pick up only 75% of the berries and you can fill an ice cream container's worth of berries in about 10 minutes. This year the berries are very tiny and apparently bitter when they're that small...but next year after the harvest I will definitely check things out to see if I can harvest some!

  8. Oooh... reading how much your granddaughter is enjoying drama takes me back. My oldest and younges sons were into drama, though I found myself involved with the plays more with the youngest. It was exhausting (and I was growing old by that time - lol) so when he graduated, I was honestly glad to have it behind us (me) when his high school years were all over. But boy - those were good memories. In our experience drama has the nicest, most helpful people involved in it. And while there are clearly starring roles in each play, to put on a production is a major team effort and everyone HAS to pull together. It's fun to read how much your daughter is enjoying it. And to imagine the fun you're having supporting her.

  9. Sounds like you had a wonderful week. The shawl is really lovely, and you've made great progress on your sockghan.
    Ribbed socks hold up nicely to all the wear and tear but when it comes to fitting, my favourites are Mojos. The fit so perfectly and hardly ever slip down the leg. Though to be honest, they are about the ugliest socks imaginable when they're not on somebody's feet.

  10. lovely shawl! You do such beautiful loving work for the prayer shawl ministry. I love your granddaughter's outfit and hair. Looks like you've been busy and how nice to have your sister there. I haven't seen mine since March!!

  11. Wow, you have been busy. I got tired just reading about your flurry of activity.
    I am a huge fan of Hermoine's socks, but 3/1 is also a dependable pattern.
    Your cooking is inspiring. I have to try out some new recipes!

  12. It sounds as though you have had a wonderful week, with your sil and granddaughter. Your shawl is gorgeous as always and your socks for your hubby are coming along nicely.

  13. Well your SIL is definitely a keeper!! Enjoy those yummy meals. I laughed at the comment about cousin ITT. When I was a teenager I had long blond hair and glasses. I loved coming my hair down in front of my face and putting my glasses on to make the family laugh at my rendition of Cousin ITT.

  14. Love reading about the activities of your granddaughters.

  15. Congratulations on the finish! I will not make sock for my husband. He is really hard on socks and his feet are big...so that's a nope! But I do make other things for him....Your granddaughter's costume is so cute!


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