YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, July 6, 2020

Happy Monday

Happy Monday " stock photos and royalty-free images, vectors and ...

Hidy Ho!  How is your Monday treating you?

My Sister in Law arrived yesterday afternoon, safe and sound.  She is from Colorado but left there a month ago and was in New Mexico with her brother for a month.  The brother has a greenhouse business there and sells some of the best tomatoes, strawberries, cucumbers and lettuce  at a farmer's market.  All pesticide free!  She helped him in the greenhouse everyday and learned a lot about greenhouses growing.

When she arrived, she brought tomatoes, lettuce and cucumbers with her from that morning's harvest.  I sliced up one of the tomatoes today for my sandwich.  Oh My!  They taste so much better than whar we can get in the grocery store.  Tonight, we will make a big salad to share with all those veggies in it.  I am really looking forward to that.

Before she arrived I managed to bake a loaf of bread, the Arizona Sunshine pie and attempted to make doughnuts using a cake mix and applesauce.  UGH!  Everything turned out great other than the doughnuts.  They fell apart when I took them out of the pan.  I think there was too much applesauce in them as they just felt super wet.  After the first two batches did not turn out, I did the rest in cupcake form.

This morning, hubby went to mass and then headed to his allergist for his monthly injection.  While he was gone, his sister and I just sat and talked and talked.  Neither of us were in any hurry to do anything.  We even stayed in our jammies until noon!  It was so nice to have a female in the house to talk to.  

I did manage to get her a doctor's appointment for this week.  She is having a couple of issues and needed to get a mini check up.  At least this way, when she comes back here, if she needs to see a Dr again, she will have established one.  

After lunch, we went to Costco and my son's house to deliver some cucumbers and tomatoes to them.  That way she got to see him and Josie for a little while.  Since she is not sure how long she will be here, I wanted to make sure she got to see some of the family.  

She is waiting to hear from her son in Tucson, who is in quarantine until Thursday (per the USAF).  If he is released from quarantine on Thursday, she is going to go there and stay for a little while.  After that she will be heading to Las Vegas to visit her mom as much as she can since they are still keeping the nursing facility on lock down.  She is thinking she will be there for a month.  

As she said this morning............................'isn't retirement great!"

Tonight, we will just kick back a bit and watch some TV.  I am going to help her with her crocheting project.  She just learned to crochet in the past week and loves it.  Tomorrow, she and I are going to watch Hamilton on Disney+.  Hubby is not interested in seeing it so we had no problem watching it without him.  We can work on our crocheting then too.

SIL is laying down for a little bit and I am going to work on my knitting while she is relaxing.  We have a roasted chicken to go with our salad tonight, so dinner will be easy.

Until next time.............happy crafting & stay well!


  1. Sounds like the two of you are having a great time. How wonderful that you have such a relationship. Enjoy!

  2. Is this the SIL that is sick? I would be exhausted traveling that much. I am definitely a homebody. The greenhouse sounds neat. I looked into getting one on my farm but then I got sick. How did you like HAmilton?

  3. What fun your SIL is having! I love how she brought you fresh produce.


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