YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Hiding Out

hiding - Stress Solutions at Turning Point Counseling

It is that time of week where I hide out for a couple of hours while hubby does his weekly cleaning routine.  Today, I am hiding out in my craft room.  It is my favorite hide away.

My SIL has gone to have her hair washed and dried at a salon.  She has a ton of hair and it takes forever for her to do it.  That leaves me and my buddy to hang out for a while.

He is not a fan of the vacuum, so he is as far away from the door to my craft room as he can get.

Since I am in my favorite room, I decided to replace the name on my water bottle.  It was starting to peel off.  

This time I applied it the long ways instead of around the bottle.  It stays much better that way.

I have my radio on in the craft room and we just got a weather alert!  We under a severe thunderstorm warning.  Unfortunately it is to the west of us and moving north so, I do not think we will see any rain out of this one.  Hopefully another rain storm will develop this afternoon closer to us.  We so need rain.  It has been over 100 days since we have had any.

SIL and I will be heading over to my son's house to do hair and makeup for the Grand Daugher's play performance.  I do believe this is the last day I am needed for this activity.  

That about sums up my day.  It is a lazy type of day for me.  That means I will get some crafting time today.  Hooray!

Until next time........happy crafting & stay well!


  1. lazy days are the best days, when I get caught up on the internet (and I'm close) I am finishing a book and hopefully a sock as well.

  2. Hooray for a lazy day in the crafting room! :)


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