YOP LIST 2023-2024

Tuesday, June 2, 2020


Deliver Wow Customer Service: 5 Ways to Improve Waiting Experience ...

I now know why I do not post anything on my blog that could cause controversy.  After yesterday's post, I have been 'schooled' and taken to task by a couple of people.  I was not TELLING anyone what they should or should not do.  That was not my intent.  I simply was relaying information that had been given to me by a healthcare professional who is up to date on many issues.  I was not discounting anything the CDC has said.  But the CDC is publishing things to cover all 50 states.  If you read what WHO says it will confuse you even more because they are covering the world!  

Remember, I do not live where you do.  I do not know what is happening in your neighborhood.  Where I live there is only a 1% rate of infection and has been that way since the start of the virus.  We have had more flu issues than anything else.  (I am unable to take a flu shot so that is also scary for me!!!!! Yet no one wears masks during flu season to protect me!  I can guarantee you the flu shot is not 100% effective either.)

As for wearing a mask to protect others.  I get it.  I am not saying you should never mask in public.  Please re-read my post.  Our grocery stores here seldom have more than 20 people in them when I go shopping.  The most crowded store I have been to is Hobby Lobby and I already said I will not be going back there until things settle down.  (I wore a mask there but still felt unsafe)

So from now on, this blog will be about knitting, crocheting, sewing, my pets and I might put on what I have done for the day/week as long as it does not talk about me leaving my house.  No longer will I talk about any politics, health issues, current event, things I do with my life, my religious beliefs, or personal thoughts on topics.

As my mom use to tell me; "If you can not say anything nice, do not say anything at all".  There are so many horrid things going on in our world right now, it is hard to stay positive.  I get that.  So until further notice, I will only say positive things on my blog and nothing that can cause conflict among others.

Blessings to all.  Leftycrafter out!


  1. Marsha, I consider you a friend (albiet from a distance) and I regret that my words came across like I was "schooling" you, or taking you to task. That wasn't my intent at all. In fact, I was very much in "process mode" as I had just that morning both worn my mask in one place and not worn it in another. I don't know if I wrote about that or not (I can't see yesterday's comment while I'm writing this one). I'm conflicted. I hate masks. I'm pretty sure we all do - especially as it's getting hotter for those of us in the northern hemisphere. I hope you'll forgive me. I don't even think I really have vastly different views from what you expressed. I just don't have much confidence anymore in the advice of the "experts" - whoever they may be.

    FWIW, I hate wearing a mask for bigger reasons than it's uncomfortable. My biggest reason is that my heart hurts that we can't see each other smiling under those masks. And they exacerbate the loneliness that many of us are feeling. Lower down on my list of reasons is vanity. I hate how a mask makes my thickish neck look thicker.

    I know what it's like to receive a comment that feels like a criticsm or just be unwelcomed for whatever reason. Want to know what I do? I delete them. Even if they come from a friend. I know how easy it is for something in writing to come across the wrong way so I try to give them the benefit of the doubt that they surely didn't mean for me to be hurt or offended, but if I'm bothered by what is written I just make their words disappear. It's my blog, afterall. Sometimes I regret that later when I consider that what they write really wasn't hurtful. But in the end, I hope by not letting their words stand between me and them, I've done us both a favor in that moment I hit "delete". FWIW, I don't really do that very often, but I have. Just sayin'. You can feel free to delete my comments anytime you like.

    Mostly, though, I hope you'll forgive me. And maybe read my comments again through a lense of conflictedness, frustration even, and processing (not you, but the situation we're in) to see if they still come across in a way that makes you feel "schooled". If they do, they were poorly written and I hope you'll just trust that wasn't my intention.

    1. I did not name who offended me because I have the option of deleting offensive messages before I allow them to be published.  I was not offended by you.  We have been "friends" for too long for me to take offense from someone I know has a warm and loving heart.  There were other comments that did not make the "cut".  Rest assured you have not offended me.  Be well my friend.

  2. Oh, I am so relieved. 1) that I wasn't one who offended, and 2) that I'm not alone in deleting undesired comments. Okay, then... I'm back in happy land. You did the right thing in deleting the unwelcomed comments, friend. I'm so glad to call you friend. :)

  3. I read your last post and for the life of me I don't know why anyone would be offended or would be offended and attack to the point that you would need to delete their post. That's pretty bad. Also don't allow that experience push you into keeping your post at only crafting. Blogs to me are like journals they show bits and pieces of us.

  4. Gosh, I missed a few postings on all the blogs I follow so I fear I don't know anything about this.

    But let me say this. This is YOUR blog. It should be filled with whatever you want including your opinions and if others don't agree and they cannot offer their opinions in a respectful way - they should stop following.

    From my perspective - you should write what you want and approve comments as you want and delete the rest.

    Hope the rest of your day goes well.

  5. Sending you a virtual hug from across the pond. Xxx

  6. Dearest Marsha,
    I pray I did not offend you in any way...I was just concerned about you as I know you have some of the same health issues I have and our age is not working for us either! (although you are younger than me) LOL! I sincerely didn't mean to cause you any grief or upset. I count you as a dear friend and was just concerned as I am for many right now. It is a crazy time with everything that is going on and I am sorry if I sounded like I was lecturing or "knew it all"...I don't and I apologize if anything I said was offensive. Please forgive me and know I sincerely care about you and your family....including the dogs! Hugs ~ Sam

  7. You were just sharing what a certified health professional told you. WTH with those stupid ppl? Sorry you had to deal with that. Yeah, I'd just delete those comments like someone suggested. This is your blog and your space.


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