YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


Image result for first blog post

It is my first blog post of 2020.  Why not start out the new year with a lovely post?  Hopefully all of you fared well last night.  We had quite a bit of fireworks going off in our neighborhood and I had one very scared little boy dog.  The girl dog was not too effected by it but I did wake up to find her curled up next to me around 2 this morning.  That is not normal, so I assume she finally got a bit scared also.

I am on my third load of bath towels.  When you have guests, your laundry increases quite a bit.  We have very thick and BIG bath towels so they take up quite a bit of space in the washer and dryer.  Hence the reason for three loads today.  All I will have left after that will be sheets.  Those may wait a few days before I do them.  It is not like I have anyone else coming to stay soon that will need clean sheets.

One of the things on my 'to do' list today is to do a bit of research on this.

I am bound and determined to get a good sourdough starter going.  Since it takes several days before you can use it, I wanted to get it going ASAP.  This will be my third attempt at making a starter.  I know, part of the issue is the temperature of my house.  I keep it down around 68F during the winter and most starters need it to be at least 70F.  

There are still Christmas cards with monetary gifts to be sent to our adult grand kids.  I had to ask each of them for their addresses and all but 1 got back to me.  If my Grandmother had asked for my address, I don't think I would have ignored her request.  In  fact, I had several requests this year from relatives for our address and I had no issue sending it to them. 

The only other major 'to do' today is to clean out our fridge.  Goodness, it is hard to find anything in there.  When you have 5 people rummaging through it each day to find 'snacks' it gets to be a hot mess.  I know there are leftovers in there from who knows when,  They need to be thrown away along with some expired milk and eggnog.  There are eggs in there that are begging to be hard boiled along with some fruit that needs to be used up in some delicious way.  All things that I love to do on days that are cold and a bit dreary. 

Tonight, hubby and I will be going to Trivia.  Our brains are full of useless information and we might as well use it to win gift certificates for free food. Right?

BTW, Signature Needles is having a sale until midnight tonight (January 1,2020).  25% off all items in their store.  I love their needles, especially the stiletto pointed ones.  If you have never owned any of their needles, you have missed out.  They are not cheap and I only purchase them when they are on sale.  You get to pick out your shaft length, cable length, point type and of course size of the needle.  The double points come in several lengths and also you can pick out the point type.  They also have straight needles and have options for the points, lengths and also the finial at the end of them.  You can also get them monogrammed if that is your thing.  That does cost extra though.  I use their DPN's for socks and they are slightly ribbed so the yarn does not slide off the needle if you set it down but they slide off so smoothly when knitting.  I also have some of their circulars and just today completed my set of circulars.  DISCLAIMER:  I am not being compensated to promote their product.  This is my personal opinion.

I hear my dryer buzzing so I need to go and fold those towels.

Until next time.....................happy crafting!


  1. Your brains are full of useless information, lol, that made me giggle! Oh gosh Marsha, our fridge is the same, I need to get in there but I hear jungle music when I open it up lol!

  2. I laughed too at "useless information"...you are too funny! Yes, frig cleaning is on my list too! I wish I could take advantage of that sale but I am saving up for a set of Lykke interchangables.
    You might want to try putting your dough on top of the fridge as it is warm up there or also in your oven with the light on but it could dry out in the oven.
    Happy New Year!

  3. Oh, that is very helpful information about what temps sourdough starters need. I can't hardly tolerate having my house at 70 - winter OR summer so maybe I shouldn't even consider it. It does sound good, though, Marsha, so I'll be reading about your experience with interest.

  4. Laundry is endless. Glad your doggy wasn't too affected by the fireworks. More illegal fireworks went off this year but thankfully it wasn't long. The kittens cared less.


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