YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, January 31, 2020


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Happy Friday, everyone.  Hope you are ready for a fun weekend.  We are.  Yet, before we could sit back and relax for the weekend, there were things we needed to accomplish.  

First thing this morning, I took the Grand Daughter to school.  That 5:30 AM wake up was tough.  Especially since I did not go to bed until almost midnight.  By the time I got back home it was after 8.  I roused up the hubby and got the dogs fed.  Around noon, we decided to get out and get our errands for the day/weekend done.

First stop was Costco.  I had picked up my sunglasses and regular glasses on Wednesday.  I discovered the sunglasses were not working for me.  The progressive part of the glasses started way too high for me to drive comfortably unless my chin was on my chest.  The tech at Costco was able to replace the nose pieces and adjust them so I now can use them to drive with no issues.  We have gotten our glasses from Costco for several years and have never had an issue with them.  They are always ready to help out and the cost is so much better than our eye Doctor's office.  I got 2 pair of glasses for under $250.  I do have insurance that covers  some of it, but still, at the Dr office, they wanted almost $400 for just 1 pair of glasses with the insurance!  

Our next stop was our favorite Mexican restaurant.  Their lunch special today was a spinach enchilada smothered in Fundido sauce.  So very yummy.  It was so nice to just be able to sit and talk with each other without any interruptions.

Our final stop was our grocery store.  They had a super great sale going on for so many items.  We picked up some spare ribs and t-bones.  There were fruits, fresh veggies and something new to me...... a horseradish root.  Hubby and I love horseradish.  Our issue is, all the store bought stuff is so mild even if it says 'hot' on the label.  Since we are making brisket for the Super Bowl, we wanted some horseradish to put on the meat after it was cooked.  We spent over an hour at the store but had so much fun.  I know, fun is not a word most people use while grocery shopping.  Anyway, we finally got home around 3:30 and are now kicking back and relaxing a bit.  (We did put everything away first)

Since we had a nice lunch out, tonight we will just have some shrimp cocktail and some veggies.  As we have aged, we can no longer have more than one 'large' meal a day.  I prefer to have it at lunch.  Hubby doesn't care when we have the 'large' meal, he just wants to have one each day.  LOL  Like I wouldn't feed him.  We eat late at night so often, having our main meal at lunch just makes sense.  Now, to just get my brain wrapped around that idea.

We got a call today from BBBS (big brother, big sisters) looking to see if we had anything for pick up in 2 weeks.  OH YES!  Come on by.  I have already started a couple of boxes of items to leave the house.  Knick Knacks are being scrutinized.  Or as I have come to call them.......dust collectors.  I do like to have little knick knacks sitting around the house.  Most of them are religious items.   I remember when my grandmother passed away and all the knick knacks she had around.  Good golly, I do not want my children to have to go through all that mess.  I really need to get that book Becki suggested, "Decluttering at the Speed of Life".  I have a hold on it at the library.  Hopefully it will come in pretty soon.

Are you interested in the Super Bowl this year?   
   This is the first time in many years I really want to watch the game.
Do you watch it just for the commercials or the half time show?  
  That was my normal MO.  I loved the commercials but lately, they have been very         disappointing.  Even the half time shows have left me feeling flat.

Who are you routing for this year?
   I was raised in Kansas, so this family will be routing for the Chiefs!  Go KC!

You are welcomed to answer these questions in the comments section.

Until next time...............happy crafting!


  1. My dad and husband are psyched about Super Bowl since our San Francisco 49ers are playing. We're going up Sunday to watch the game.

  2. I'm curious if the glass you've gotten are progressives? If so, that is an amazing price. But please tell. I wonder if a Costco membership is worth it for me?

  3. You did get an early start for having gone to bed so late! You are a go-getter! I enjoy grocery shopping as it gets me out and about. It was so funny when you said you enjoyed having lunch together and not being interrupted....isn't it usually just the 2 of you? I had to laugh at that one! They say it is healthier to have your big meal at noon. I'll be rooting for KC! I think you will find that fresh horseradish strong enough. I had it growing on the farm. It is so strong you should probably fix it outside...be careful! Check the internet. I'm making the Cowboy Queso and I hope I can stay up for the game...I usually start dozing about 8:00 p.m! LOL!


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