YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, January 24, 2020


Image result for i can see the weekend

Isn't it amazing?  After being retired for 4.5 years, I still look forward to the weekend.  You would think everyday was a weekend day for us retired folks.  Nope, we still have obligations during the week that need taking care of.  Not to mention, 90% of my friends are still working so, the weekend is the only time we get to spend time with them.

Once again, we got our day started pretty quickly.  My main goal is to have most of my errands/chores done by noon each day.  Almost made it happen that way today.

Started the day by taking my car to get the air in the tires checked.  After leaving there, I took the car to get it washed and all spiffed up, as hubby is going to drive it to Las Vegas Sunday.  Once I got home, I decided to attach my dash mat to the dash.  Our dashes boards have a habit of splitting here because of the sun and heat.  With a dash mat, we do not have that issue.  I cleaned out the glove box and the arm rest box.  I wanted to make sure everything was all nice for hubby.  Then we both went to the grocery store as they had whole briskets on for $1.88/lb.  We love brisket and hubby does a fantastic job doing it on his smoker.  I got the house plants watered, my antique clock wound and had lunch.  As soon as lunch was over I made 2 loaves of banana bread.

My house smells so yummy!  These loaves were made with rice flour so they are gluten free.  Instead of refined sugar I used coconut sugar.  I am sending one of these with hubby to give to the people who are housing him while he is up there.

Things are all done for the day until dinner time.  (Pork chops with sweet potatoes and spinach salad)  I will pick up some knitting and work on it for the next couple of hours.  Don't tell anyone but, I cast on another project yesterday.  If you want to see what I have on my needles, stop by on Sunday when I will show off everything I have going on.

After dinner the knitting will be back in my hands while we watch a little evening TV.

Until next time...............happy crafting!


  1. Hi Marsha :)) The "weekend" for us Monday to Friday, that's when we can relax and enjoy the mountain village when it's quiet! When Friday night rolls around, that's when we feel like it's too "city-fied" here with the loud weekenders! Oh neat you have a smoker!!! I want to get one for my cheeses one of these days!!! The banana bread looks so great! I made two Camemberts today and I'm making 2 more tomorrow because we eat them so fast. They'll be ready in March, I can't wait! It's soup for us tonight and homemade bread, then straight to bed to watch old episodes of the Simpsons!! :)

  2. I have been retired for 15 years - I guess I am one of those who doesn't get excited about the weekends. That banana bread looks great. I like to add wallnuts to mine. Actually mine is actually a wallnut bread with the back drop of banana! Haha.

  3. Excited to try the banana bread, looks yummy!

  4. Mmm! 'nana bread! My husband has been circling the kitchen now and then b/c he said I "promised" him cookies; I told him I say maybe I'll make some. Hello, I cleaned all day yesterday for CNY.

  5. The thought of smokes brisket stopped me in my tracks because it sounds so good. My mouth is watering. You have inspired me to bake bread. I use to only have home made bread in my home but that was three decades of more ago. Your days really are busy which is probably a good thing.


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