YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, January 19, 2020


Ahhhh.......another week has blown past us.  I am trying to do more personal blogging during the week so I can do mostly craft blogging on Sunday.  It seems to be working out pretty well.  If you would like to keep up with my personal blogging just hit the follow button button on the right hand side of the page or log my blog name in bloglovin.  That is the site I use to keep track of all the blogs I love and follow.

I did have a finish this week.

The Child/Baby Yoda was completed in a few days time.  My local Grand had requested I make one for her.  She and her dad are huge Mandalorian fans and she loves The Child.  He was pretty fun to make other than sewing it all together.  I have not crocheted much lately and found out it does cramp up my hands a bit.  I think most of the cramping was due to working with very small pieces and trying to hold on to them while crocheting in the round.

The Child accompanied us to Trivia, Wednesday night, and got quite a bit of attention and rave reviews.  The MC of Trivia fell in love with him and begged me to make one for him for his birthday.  Of course his birthday is tomorrow (Monday).  Deciding to make another one took a bit of convincing myself I could do it and have it ready for the next Trivia night.

I started on it Saturday morning and this is as far as I have gotten.  The head and ears are completed.  It really is not too bad, considering I only had about 3 hours total to work on it yesterday.  Why only 3 hours?  Hubby and I took our Grand Daughter and Godson to see "The Rise of Skywalker".  (Yes it was very good!)  That took 5 hours out of our day with pick up, movie and drop off of kiddos.  When we got home, we had just an hour before we needed to get ready for Mass.  After Mass, we went out to our favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner and then home.  That gave me about 1.5 hours to work on it again before I finally succumbed to sleepiness.

I should be able to complete it this afternoon while doing laundry, watching football playoffs and reading blogs.  I also need to make a card for the guy, to go along with the bday gift.  

Other than those things I only worked on Hubby's socks but you would not be able to tell a difference.  I only got 8 rows added to them.  

Look what I wore yesterday.

You may wonder why this is of importance.  #1. It normally does not get that cold here where I want to wear flannel lined boots.  Since we were out and about most of the morning,yesterday, I was happy to have them on my feet.  #2.  My feet are pretty messed up from my RA.  I was not even sure I would be able to get these back on my feet, much less be comfortable walking in them.  They felt fine all day!  #3.  My Grand and Godson said they were pretty 'cool' shoes for a grandma to be wearing.  Yes, I am the cool old church lady LOL.

Until Next Time.........................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. So you're cool, yeah! Not that I ever doubted that. LOL. I love Baby Yoda, I might have to make one for Steve, though I usually mess up anything amigurumi. Still, a Baby Yoda ...

  2. Your Baby Yoda is adorable. I have a pattern (knit) for Yoda in my library that I must do now after seeing yours. I really like the crocheted version. I haven't figured out yet how to divide my time between reading, knitting, Crocheting and other things. It's important because organization helps to take stress away.

  3. cool grandma shoes for sure! Love the baby yoda. He is popping up all over the place - I may have to make one soon!

  4. Baby Yoda turned out great! Good on you for making another one. I understand what you mean! I have made a Yoda, it was in my classroom for awhile, not sure what happened to it.....and shoes, oh I understand that! I have PSA psoriatic arthritis...and bunions...shoes are so hard! I really like Taos sneakers, but they are expensive...but I have 4 pairs! I've found I need something with arch support and is cushy...I have several liners to swap in and out...

  5. I have been reading some of your weekday posts but I may not have time to comment on them all, but I do enjoy reading them. Baby yoda is a cutie. I am all about shoes that are comfortable and am rarely seen without wearing either slippers or walking boot type shoes. Nice to know the grands think they are cool, my niece and nephew are usually embarrassed of my look lol.

  6. Your yoda is ADORABLE!!! what a cutie! It does get cold here often and I've been wearing my winter boots that I got at Christmas with pure happiness :)

  7. I absolutely love the shoes and I am an old lady too!! :-). Where did you get them?

  8. "The Child" is so cute and you are so nice for making another one. Isn't it hard on your hands? I love your boots and yes, you are a cool grandma!

  9. Those are pretty cool shoes - for a grandma or anyone! lol And they feel good on your feet? What is the brand?

  10. That baby Yoda is so adorable! Awesome job!

  11. Nice boots. Glad your feet were warm and comfortable in them.

  12. The boots are great and baby Yoda is adorable, I'm sure you got the second finished.


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